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Power flows fondly

Nature's grasp of gifts received

Forest grows softly


I had never been to a maternity ward in a hospital before, although I might have to say when it came to Idizian healthcare, maternity was always number one. You could always tell because the "ward" in which woman gave birth to children was something more along the lines of a warm home than a cold and stale building that people went to in order to die.

I was a bit nervous when I walked into the maternity suite that Lesedi and Amory were located in expecting it to be like the movies and was pleasantly surprised when I saw that it was actually quite stunning and open. The suite itself had an incredible view of the city below it due to the fact that we were up on a pretty high floor; the walls were decorated quite cheerfully with an assortment of different flowers, pictures and child-like décor to give the room a very "cheery" essence. The bed didn't even seem like a hospital bed, more so like a regular one with enough room for both parents to relax and bond with their child, although Amory was more so focused on sitting on the chair holding his son in his arms with a passionate gaze, one I was never quite sure I was used to seeing until now.

"Oh! Your majesty, I didn't think you would come!" Lesedi's voice rung out once my mother and Chinasa let the remainder of us into the hospital room. They both had excitedly let us know all the facts of the new baby for the period of time they had spent with him for the past day or so.

Amory looked up from holding his son and seemed a bit surprised that we were all here, "Amani! You need to be in the palace, not here in public while there are assassins after you!" He scolded her momentarily before he noted the heavily armed and dressed militants Cairo had assigned to come on this trip with us.

Amani clenched her jaw, "Again... I am an adult and I am not fragile like glass." She pursed her lips together, "Besides we have new security." She said as she walked over to Lesedi and handed her the bouquet of flowers and gifts we had stopped to get her. Lesedi looked surprised by the gesture her full lips lifting into a grateful smile as she took the items from her.

"You didn't have to bring anything, Princess Amani." She stated.

She shook her head and gave her a soft smile, "Nonsense! You just had a baby... it's a very important time in a woman's life... congratulations." She said to her with a warm smile.

"Thank you, your majesty." She stated.

"Now boys remember to wash your hands!" Our mother reminded us as she shoved Fionn and I over to the washroom so we could do just that. Behind us, I could hear the clicking of Amani's heels as she walked in to do the same. Once everyone had finished making sure they were clean and sanitary, we took turns holding the baby; of course, I had to be first, I was the most excited to become an uncle and to finally have him in my arms after waiting for months was a spectacular feeling.

"Remember to support his head." My brother informed me as he laid his sleeping form into my hands. I nodded, "I know... I read the baby books too!" I pursed my lips, "Well... listened to them, but same thing!" I whispered hastily as to not wake him up from his sleep.

Amory sighed and gave me full control and I smiled widely as I looked down at him.

"He's magnificent!" I said as I studied his facial structure and ears.

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