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Fingers work softly

Gift of life on dual sides

Friends laugh all around


           "Karmi, how many times do I have to tell you I'm not sending you anymore money this month? I can't believe you've already spent what Amory and I have given you and dad in a small amount of time!" I huffed into the receiver as I stepped out of the car, thanking my driver for the fluid ride back to the palace.

            I had spent a couple of days over in Zheja assessing the fire that had broken out in a village—the place was quite devastated and I was attempting to do my absolute best reassuring these people of that area that they will be taken care of appropriately. As I was there, we were able to have them all board in a nearby inn free of charge and as of their property, I would be discussing with Amani, potential contractors and builders willing to work down there to rebuild what has been lost; essentially new homes, restaurants, and even a small school center.

            Though throughout the time out there, I missed my family, I wish I could be with them but I knew sometimes Emperor duties dealt with my having to do some traveling; now that I was home, I was more than happy just to be with the ones I loved and held dear to my heart. But I guess it wouldn't be a successful day if my sister or father didn't call blasting my ear about increasing their monthly allowance.

            Today's culprit is none other than.... Karmi.

            "What do you mean you're not sending me anymore money! How am I supposed to deal with the rest of the month? I have shoes and clothes in my cart that need my purchasing... are you trying to cause me social suicide by not having the latest?!" She shouted into the phone.

            I sighed deeply taking the steps a few at a time as I stepped into the palace.

            "Good evening, your majesty... would you like a hot towel?" One of the butlers asked me.

            I greeted him with a warm smile and nodded, taking the hot towel as I balanced the phone between my ear and shoulder, wiping down my hands and face before handing it back to the man. "Hot tea, your highness?" He asked.

            I shook my head, "No, thank you...I will be heading to my office momentarily." I stated before I began making my way to said space. I just wanted to check a few things before I headed to my apartment suite where I knew Amani would be waiting for me. I really wished I could've kissed the kids' goodnight, but she told me they had already fallen asleep waiting and they had school in the morning; alas, I would have to wait until then to see their beautiful faces.

            I missed them dearly.

            "Karmi I think you need to worry about finding employment not whether or not you can keep up with whatever faux friends you've convinced you have made... why don't you ask your mother if it's so important to you?" I suggested to her.

            Karmi sucked her teeth at my words, "She's not spending a penny of her money since the estate went down, she keeps talking about saving or whatever. I'm not interested in that; mom and dad are older but I'm young I got more life to live!" She challenged me.

            I left out a puff of air in annoyance, "Karmi, enough with the bratty behavior. You're twenty-three and have been out of university for two years. Find a hobby... passion... job, Jesus... something! Amory and I can't support you for your entire life as you try to play heiress off our trusts and income." I informed her.

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