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Midnight in peace time

Quivered breath among pure bliss

Mountains reach greedy


He was up to something. I know he was. He might have come up to me in my suite looking all serious as if he were actually being an adult for once, but I was an expert in my field—or at least, I liked to think I was. So, whenever my clients had a "shift" in behavior, I knew it had to do with an incident in the background. If he wouldn't tell me what made him start behaving a little bit more pleasantly, I would eventually find out.

I always do.

For now, I would enjoy the compliance and the minimal backlash he would give me when I assigned him different tasks. I had been pretty busy the past couple of days, I had to get acquainted with all the media personnel in Idizia—schmoozing as it was called, when I wasn't doing that I was making deliberate posts on the official Royal Family's social media accounts.

Today was her Imperial Majesty's 57th birthday and a huge celebration was set to be thrown in one of the grand ballrooms. I've never seen the palace this active before compared to a regular day; there were tons of staff running back and forth in an effort to complete their workload as efficiently as possible. In terms of the royal prince twin's images, I actually had a little something set up for them while everyone was busy prepping for the soirée this evening; I made sure the boys had a small interview-photoshoot with a popular magazine about their growth and set of established responsibilities and goals granted by the Empress herself.

I was supervising the entire thing, making sure it went down exactly how I had envisioned it in my mind. The theme of the shoot was featured around the stables, horses, the garden, and of course the equestrian chic attire. The princes were dressed quite well in their white technical shirts that they wore under a navy-blue tailored dress coat, they also had on their jodhpurs—or riding tights as some called it, paired with their tall black riding boots that hit right against their knees.

They looked well dressed, posing for their pictures perfectly, some of them with their helmets off and other times with it on. I thought to get into the spirit of the photoshoot theme, I dressed in my own riding outfit set; it had been quite some time since I've rode a horse. 

I've been in the equestrian scene since I was seven years of age. My parents always loved to get me involved in a variety of "upper echelon" activities and no surprise that riding was one of the first things they made sure I was well-versed in engaging with.

"Perfect, your majesty! Stay right there!" The photographer coached Prince Layton to stay in place against his younger brother Prince Amory. I was getting really good at telling which prince was which; especially if you looked close enough in their details, you could tell them apart. I had to learn that very quick because they played on a trick on me just yesterday both of them swapping out their meeting times with each other and I couldn't tell until Prince Amory brought it up.

Children! They were children in grown men bodies!

I wonder to myself how the Empress dealt with them when they were younger.

Perhaps, nannies I thought to myself.

But at least I was aware now which twin was who. Prince Layton had two deep dimples on both of his cheeks, while his brother only sported one on his left. Prince Amory tended to keep his hair a lot shorter with a slight rise of a beard appearing against his lower jaw. Prince Layton on the hand liked to keep his hair on the longer spectrum with it flopping in his face from time to time, he also had a tiny crescent-shaped birthmark at top of his eyebrow.

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