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Menace in the spring

Mirror lake now understands

World spins morning comes


If I thought I had security before, well just imagine that but doubled—no tripled. It was as if anywhere I went, whether it be to have a simple walk in the gardens, or perhaps ride Kina that I had delivered to me so I could care for her while not being Maelony, they were never too far behind keeping a watchful gaze at me, always.

It would be easy to be ungrateful for the added protection, especially with the events that have occurred with me previously; I knew it was only for my benefit that I remain protected and recluse from any potential harm. Though I won't deceive myself and pretend that I didn't enjoy when I was able to freely walk about Idizia without a care in the world. Now I knew that if I were to try to do the same with what everyone in this country knows about me, I'd barely be able to make it a few steps without the press wanting to snap photographs of me.

This isn't necessarily how I thought spending my first few weeks as a Crown Princess would be. Most of my days weren't filled with complete boredom, I had to mention that Grandma Zenny and my mother were extensively teaching me the ways of the Crown; whether it be addressing different royal nations at social gatherings, conducting myself at special events, charities, and others; even down to decorating when hosting the events, myself. It was almost overwhelming learning about how different nobility came to be, their titles, and all the other customs we had to hold to task as the reigning Empress—there was so much to it!

Dad and Uncle Zyair on the hand focused on the assets of territories belonging to us, ones we could give away if the occasional called for it, and the history of Royal law as well as Parliament since the current Empress did meet on a weekly basis with the Prime Minister and such.

It was no wonder Empress Madeline had Ms. Kayaode, she was like her right-hand that handled everything that she herself couldn't get to; but she was aging and would soon retire, especially now that the monarchy was going to change, so I had to ask myself the question...

Who would be my royal right hand?

I had a lot to think about, modern solutions that I couldn't find in ancient text when reading about the First Empress and the ones after her. Being assigned readings so I could learn more of my background and the essence in which I came from at first seemed like a mundane task, but I found myself being stuck in the library for hours wanting to learn more and more about the history and everything Idizia has been through.

I could see the appeal and why Amory was always in the library himself, he was always so knowledgeable of the past concerning Idizia's origins.

The best thing I found out this far was looking deeper into Ruisii Kazia and her importance to the trade market that Idizia was well-known for. Being the daughter to an extremely high-level merchant family she was the only daughter, having an older brother a few years over her. First Empress Idowu essentially grew up being her "playmate" it was kind of messed up, but Kazia's parents tasked Idowu with being her companion from a very young age, while her own parents were out working to harvest the resources to continue Pusia fruitful abundance.

From there, the duo grew close. It was where Idowu learned to read and write Pusian and fluently; she also learned a multitude of languages and talents by being associated with the merchant's daughter. As they grew older, Kazia's ambitions to adopt the family businesses heightened; although no one in her family took her seriously, expecting her to marry a man of higher class, bare his children and continue the line. Kazia never wanted that and grew resentment to her parents and upbringing.

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