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Menace of the lake

Harmonies as time returns

Herald after rain


       "It's getting warm out now... the weather report says it'll be eighteen degrees Celsius tomorrow." I said into the phone as I spoke to Layton. We had spent an unhealthy amount of time talking to each other; I was so excited when he called, I just needed to hear his voice and know that he was alright, especially after he had told me he was on his way to the Mellan estate with his brothers to seek answers. What I hadn't expected him to tell me was that his actual mother was there as well.

         Listening to him detail the entire story from start to finish was crazy; I listened to him intently the entire time, asking questions here and there. The only thing I couldn't shake was how Mukami stated that she too was getting threats on her life as well as her families; it made sense why she rescinded the throne, that along with the mysterious threat that knew about her affair that resulted in children.

          But besides the conspiracy theories, Layton and I were conjuring up together, I could tell his voice was growing deeper with sleep; he was tired, so I was slowing the conversation to more lighter topics; better to lull his mind with pleasant positives than negatives of the mysterious future.

          "Yeah? Perfect... just in time for your birthday." I could hear him smiling through the phone. I felt my cheeks heat up at the sound of his sleepy voice, Jesus... why was I getting turned on right now? "You remembered?" I said to him with amusement.

           He chuckled, "How could I forget... I made sure to mark the day so I could thank your mother for bringing you into this world..." He stated.

            Aw, he was so adorable.

            "Just so I can just slap your ass and look at you naked all day." He finished.

            I take that back.

            This man was really sleep drunk at this time. "You need to go to bed." I said to him.

            "No wait! I'm kidding... not really, let me just hear you voice a little longer." Begged me.


            "I want to take you out for your birthday." He said to me.

            I sat up a bit in my bed and arched my eyebrow, "Yeah? That sounds lovely, but you got to beat out my parents, they still kind of have me on house arrest...even if we're in Kentillie. Besides, I think the plan on throwing a party for me, nothing big... intimate. They always throw me a part for my birthday, but I think they're just nervous with us being in Idizia and all." I said to him.

            "I can see that... make sure I get an invite at least." He chimed in.

            I giggled, "I'll cancel the party if I don't see you there." I said to him.

          "That's what I like to hear." He yawned.

       "Goodnight, Layton." I whispered to him.

          "Goodnight, Amani... I love you." He said back to me.

          I felt my heart flutter at his words, I could feel the sincerity even when he was half-asleep speaking to me, that he was serious about every single syllable.

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