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Agreeing journeys

Flightless bird awoken now

Hinder of today


"I would have never thought someplace like this existed in the city." I said as I took in the vast beauty of the forest-like area we were in. The entire surrounding area was completely filled with lush greenery of leaves slowly on its way to turning into an assortment of autumn-like colors before ultimately finding their place on the cold ground of the woods.

Fionn sat on his horse confidently and nodded, "You would be surprised... there are a lot of outer trails that people don't frequent as much... I like to come here at times to clear my head." He stated as his gaze traveled around the open space.

I couldn't help the bout of curiosity that sparked in me once he revealed that he visited this plot often, "Is that why you were coming down this trail initially?" I inquired.

Fionn turned his head slightly to look over at me and nodded. "Yes... it can get pretty hectic working in my department, so I really look forward to moments like this." He admitted.

I nodded giving him a soft look of empathy at his revelation. "How is it there... I mean you know working as the staff for the royal family?" I asked.

Fionn looked away from me and shrugged his broad shoulders, "There are days when it is pleasant and others not so much... especially the days leading up to big events, but I manage." He stated.

Another waft of cold air whipped through where our bodies sat on the horses and I shivered slightly, knowing that if I didn't leave pretty soon, I'd seriously get cold. But being out here was nice... quiet and it definitely seemed like we were away from the city despite still being somewhere near the center of it; I wonder how many of these hidden spots I could find around Clico in my free time.

"Both you and Éliane have the same kind of thought process when it comes to speaking about working down there... they must really run a tight ship." I stated to which Fionn responded with a simple nod, his bright red hair falling across his face effortlessly.

"Yeah, but there's definitely more drama on the maid's side of things. Éliane used to have a really hard time with the ladies there... it's kind of how we met each other." He stated seriously.

My ears perked up at the mention of being drama.

"Is that so? What happened to her?" I asked him curiously.

He slowly turned to look at me, his crystal-blue eyes shading a bit as the sun continued to descend upon the sky. "You know... gossiping, bullying... if you don't necessarily fit in or fall under a certain category of predictability, people will find a way to make you seem like an out-cast. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't like any of those girls so they had no problem reminding her how different she was." He said.

I frowned deeply, "That's horrible... Éliane is such a sweet girl. I can't imagine someone making her life a miserable hell." I said slightly bowing my head as I thought about how knowledgeable and welcoming she had been to me since I first came here. Then of course, when we all headed out for a trip down in Madera Conjea, it absolutely blew my mind; you never really know someone until you hang out with them. It was just sad people still thought in their grown age that picking on someone was amusing.

Childish if I do say so myself.

"I agree... but she's strong I'm glad she was able to find another position within the palace, it better suited her anyway." he stated seriously.

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