-One Hundred-Two-

265 35 31

Answers of the lake

Small blessings now look for more

Shadowsof winter


         "Well... this is not exactly how I expected a baby shower to go... but I can't say I'm not surprised." I looked down at Amani who was sitting in her charmingly decorated mother's throne as she surveyed the entirety of the Royal Baby Shower that been thrown in her honor with a hint of interest.

         I'm sure this was maybe was not what she was expecting due to her not being connected with her royal line until recently; the event itself was very formalized, more so than the one she had thrown for Rose, but it was expected for bringing in our child—the same child that would be the future crown of Idizia.

            In a way, a celebration like this was expected of the Imperial Family.

            "You don't like it?" I asked her with a curious arch of my eyebrow, Amani tilted her head slightly as she shook her head. "Of course, I do! Mom and the girls worked so hard at putting it together, though I'd prefer it without the nobles we invited kissing my ass every second they could get." She replied to me with a simple curt smile.

            I chuckled, I could agree with that statement.

            We had an entire room that was just littered with gifts of plenty from the noble houses and other individual parties who heard of the upcoming shower; there was more than enough stuff for one child, in fact, enough for a plethora of them, but I couldn't beat down their excitement; Idizia hadn't had an heir in decades and so everyone was just on the edge of their seats wondering if we were going to have a girl or boy.

            "Well, at least you had a more private one where everyone could relax more." I reminded her; I thought since I knew this event would be extremely formalized and less lax than most baby showers, that we could throw her something a little more low-key with games and the sort to keep everyone entertained. The group was small, just our close friends and associates and Amani seemed to have a splendid time spending it with everyone away from prying eyes and ears; nothing made me happier than to see her face light up once she realized what we all had done for her.

          Amani's smile grew into that of a content one, she sighed lightly. "I did... and I really loved it. Thank you for doing it for me, Lay." She intertwined my vacant hand and squeezed it tightly, I returned her enthusiasm with a bright smile of my own, "Anything for my beautiful wife." I replied.

       I was so tempted to kiss her at this moment, it was almost shameful how rapidly lost would become in her gaze; I wondered if our baby would have the same warm face and melting brown eyes, or perhaps Amani's beautiful smile. If our baby inherited anything for their mother, I know they would be absolutely stunning.

         "You look so goofy right now." She giggled lightly before turning her stare to the patrons of the vent. I scoffed, ignoring her remark so I could take a look at the room again. We were currently in the Imperial Dawn room, it was considerably smaller than some of the other event rooms in the palace but that was because we didn't invite as many people; it was highly desirable for a noble to receive an invitation to a gathering such as this, but we weren't in the mood for overcrowding.

          Amani was heavily pregnant and tired most of these days and it was better not to overwhelm her than invite the entire court to something like this; I could only imagine the nobles who hadn't gotten an invitation were quite salty about the treatment as they weren't "important" enough to join us on this memorable day.

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