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Caress of winter

Drastic times of lovers thoughts

Ending after rain


"The fireworks are stunning, aren't they?" I averted my gaze from the stunning light demonstration that was filled with bursts of fireworks caressing the pitch-black night sky to see my mother had spoken. Today was the Day of Doves... well it was, this was just the end of the celebrations for tonight, a beautiful firework display for the people of Idizia. I hadn't stepped out since the ball, but since uncle's apartment had a rooftop entrance that he had access to, I thought I'd go out and watch the parade that had passed earlier and then the fireworks.

It was nice to see how Idizia just lit up on their official Independence Day.

And I wished so badly that I was spending it was Layton right now.

It wasn't easy for me at this moment, dodging phone calls and texts in order to keep the secrecy of where I was and doing at the moment ominous, but it was for safety reasons. The entire apartment complex as well as the apartment itself had high-level security detail that my parents hired patrolling every nook and cranny the exclusive building had to offer and it honestly felt like a prison. I wanted to be out with my friends having fun, not stuck in the house until the holiday was over so the bid for contestation would be made.

I sighed, "It would've been fun if I was out enjoying it with friends." I said solemnly to my mother. I heard the soft click of her shoes as she continued walking up behind me, placing a soft hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner, "I understand what you are feeling right now Amani, your first Day of Doves in Idizia and you're spending it inside." My mother sighed herself, removing her hand so she could lean against the balcony. Her eyes focused on the sky, the last of the fireworks finishing their dance in the sky before fizzling out; the dark blanket in the sky now returned to the silent canvas it once had been before the extravagance show.

"Do you know Odette and I used to sneak out of the palace every year when we were kids on the Day of Doves to go see the firework show at Grove Bay Park? We'd put on these disguises kind of dressed like old ladies and ate oolog all night long." She said to me.

I turned to her slowly with a peaked interest, "Really? Did you ever get caught?" I asked her curiously. My mother chuckled softly, her eyes still focused on the dark night sky; no moon was out today, just darkness. "Yeah, I always had an inkling that your grandmother knew of our outings, but she never said anything. She let us have our fun together... just to be normal for a little while." She stated.

I chuckled softly. "Grandma Zenny was cool like that?" I asked her curiously.

My mother nodded softly, "She still is, don't mind her irritation... she's been upset for a very long time since the incident. Grandma Zenny just wants things to return to how they used to be with everyone in their rightful places." She said to me.

I nodded in understanding.

"That and I believe Gerald our old driver let her know...but he was always nice about taking us around wherever we desired." She stated.

I furrowed my brow, "Gerald?" I inquired.

She nodded as she moved away from the railing on the roof top, "Yes... he used to drive us around all the time. I wonder what he's up to these days... it's been so long since I've last seen him." She muttered that last part to herself.

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