-Thirty Seven-

410 65 45

Snow blankets brightly

Final straw of gifts received

King rules all around


"He what?!" I jolted at the sound of her Imperial Majesty's rage. The time had finally come for me to reveal the truth of what would be coming in the future for the monarchy, unfortunately as much as I loved to deliver pleasant news and praise, today was quite the opposite, it was only going to be bad news for her. Luckily, I had solutions, not many great ones, but they were solutions nonetheless. Upon realizing the shock, I garnered from hearing Her Majesty raise her voice, she quickly calmed herself returning to her natural and poised nature; her face unreadable, but behind those icy-cold blue eyes I could tell she was beyond the simple word "angry". I had never heard the Empress raise her voice, like ever since I've been here; maybe she was more so inclined to do that in private but still it was odd to be on the receiving end even though I know it wasn't meant for me and more so her son...

Prince Amory.

The Empress lightly cleared her throat and looked away, "I apologize for my sudden outburst Amani, I'm sure you can understand that I wasn't expecting that kind of particular news on our way back from a family holiday." She stated, I nodded in return to her statement as she gestured for me to continue, "Please tell me of what else you know." She stated in an almost eager manner.

We were in a private area of the plane where no one could hear us. It was essentially just the Empress and I, her guards not too far from her, but nonetheless we were alone; even her husband was not joining in with her at the moment taking he had left Dria earlier to make an engagement that requested his presence. "I understand that you are quite upset your majesty. But I have made full preparations upon everyone's return so we can assure we are tackling this situation head-first." I assured her.

She nodded, "Yes, Amani... I trust that you have most of this settled." She blinked a few times almost as if she had dazed off for a moment and grabbed her cup of hot tea sitting beside her on a mounted arm rest, sipping slowly of the substance, I waited for her to continue what she was going to say, she didn't seem like she was finished speaking.

"How far along has this woman said she is?" She inquired.

"Approximately four months and a few days." I replied to her instantly.

I watched as Empress Madeline sat her tea cup back down and pressed her hand against her face. "Where did I go wrong with those boys... where?" She muttered to herself.

I frowned, "There is still hope your majesty... it's possible the child is not your sons." I said optimistically to which she simply shook her head, "I swear these days the maids become more and more bolder... no shame whatsoever." She looked up at me with me a serious gaze.

"Are you implying that the woman has an agenda for this pregnancy?" I questioned her. I knew how things like this usually went, I was aware that people trapped figures of high power for their own gain rather it be money or the sort, but I wanted Her Majesty's take on it.

She gave me an exasperated look, "Don't they all!" She calmed herself once more, "I know you're still very new to some Idizian culture but I have you know it's a class thing... everyone likes the idea of being considered the upper-echelon, but they can't all be there, can they?" She inquired with the raise of her eyebrow.

I responded with the shake of my head, "No, they cannot." I replied.

Empress Madeline sat back in her chair, "Whether it's monetary compensation or a seat a table they're looking for.... a tittle, they shall not get it. I will not approve of it." She said sternly.

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