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Knife cuts far away

Crescent moon hovers above

Moon shines in spring night


"This is... your house?" I looked down at Yame who was holding onto my hand tightly, his eyes was focused intently on my mother's estate with wide eyes, his dark gaze deeply surveyed the exterior of the grand estate as if he were watching an all-action packed movie.

"Well... it is my family home." I clarified for him.

His tiny mouth slowly let out a gape full of wonder, "Wow...it's ginormous... like a big dinosaur." He turned to me with the same awed expression, "Like where a dinosaur can live." He stated seriously. I couldn't help but chuckle a little at his comparison of the estate, it was adorable.

"I don't think a dinosaur would be able to fit inside this house, Yame... but I think humans do just fine." I said to him. He looked back at the house one more time before muttering to himself, "Maybe a bear can live here instead." He stated. I simply smiled and began making my way towards the front entrance of the door.

My mother had suggested now that all of us were out of the palace that we head up here to spend some time and actually get to meet the remainder of our family members; I was also still in the middle of adoption proceedings and had made it to the stage where I had to foster Yame in my home for some time in order to increase the bonding between us while also getting him comfortable with the idea with of living with me full-time; I was super excited! It only meant I was nearing the end of this process and soon I would have a son to call of my own!

At first, I was a bit reluctant to bring him and fought with myself mentally over whether having a calm, quiet, and collected transition stage would suit him better, but I decided that I did want to really learn more of my biological family and I think perhaps they would all like to meet and get to know Yame as well; I knew he tended to have a bit of a shy personality, so I was going to gauge everything by eye and if I saw him in any discomfort, I would bring him back to a place where he felt completely safe with me.

It was nice that the weather had now come to that of a warmer essence; as much as I adored the snow and the cool breeze of the colder season, I did appreciate a blooming spring mostly because outdoor activities were more rampant with the changing temperature. I was a bit curious to see the garden areas the Mellan estate had and how they compared to the palace; not only that but Amory and I's birthday was coming up pretty soon and I was already wondering what we were going to have planned for the day.

Before Yame and I could finish the remainder of our steps towards the entrance of the home, the door ripped open and out came none other than my mother. She approached the both of us extremely fast; her shorter copper-red toned hair bounced against her rounded face as she scurried at full-force in our direction. I braced myself for full-impact, slightly flinching as if I were expecting to feel the collide of her body with mine, but I was surprised when she stopped just short of where we stood and quickly bent over beside Yame who had instinctively hid behind my leg, hugging my thigh as he surveyed my firecracker of a mother.

"Hello Yame!" She cheerfully said to him.

Yame continued gazing at her like a foreign entity that he just couldn't make out at the moment. My mother continued with her gleeful expression and held out one of her hands as she greeted him. "I promise I don't bite... only when I'm hungry. I'm Mukami, I'm Layton's mother." She said to her.

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