-Thirty Three-

429 51 32

Stumbling on the ice

Rising moon rising slowly

Flags drift almost gone


"How do I look? Am I presentable? I don't look out of place, do I?" Nyarai nervously shifted back and forth on her heels as she gazed at me with anxiety. I remained neutral as I adjusted her hair that was put into a neat bun, a few tiny hairs remained out to adorn the sides of her heart-shaped face. She looked more than presentable in a knee-length plum-colored dress with a high neckline and flutter shoulders to give the simple dress a bit of flair. I had that styled with an oval necklace that went down the length of her chest as well as some beige heels and an assortment of accessories.

            She looked pristine and elegant, just the kind of look for an event such as this.

            "You look fine... I picked out the attire, remember?" I reminded her with an arch of my eyebrow, Nyarai nodded slowly, "Yes... that is true... thank you again." She thanked me once more. She was such a sweet girl, she really was but I could tell the grandness of the palace and the prestige of the people around her at times made her feel inferior despite Amory's attempts to make her feel comfortable.

            "Now remember, just like Éliane and I taught you. Poised walking, mannerism, and speech. Don't be afraid to take your time with speaking and don't over share. Remain reserved, but not distant. Today is a lot easier since we'll be helping around with the kids, so it'll just be like when you're with your son." I said to her.

            My mother was so much better at this etiquette stuff than I was, sometimes I wish she were here to help, but she did her absolute best when raising me in that sense. Now I was just pulling together all the tips and tricks I had learned over the years to best help Nyarai navigate in this kind of world.

            She gave me a soft smile, "Okay, I'll try to do that." I gave her a light pat on the shoulder and set her on her way to the room where the kids would be decorating the Christmas tree together with the royals. That particular tree was kept plain so the children could have a hand in putting it together; it was quite exciting to see them all gathered here again, they were just squealing with happiness on the notion that they were in the palace for the first time in their lives.

            Prince Layton was already there to greet them when they first arrived, this was probably the earliest I'd ever seen him show up to an event. I liked how more responsible he was becoming with his duties and obligations; it was reflecting well and showing her Imperial Majesty that he was taking his position as Crown Prince seriously.

            I continued my walk around the area making sure everything was going according to plan. We had press here—handpicked of course to snap key moments of the princes and the orphan children partaking in the activities set up for them. I'm sure once these photos are released Christmas day, it would put a smile on many people's faces as they looked at the children's complete joy and happiness.

            "Oh! There you are, Amani!" Ms. Kayaode's figure hurried over to me in a rushed manner, although the many times I had crossed Ms. Kayode's path, today she seemed to be in a rather pleasant mood, a smile brushed across her aging face. She was dressed in formal Christmas colors, opting for a red two-piece skirt and jacket top, a jeweled wreath brooch rested on the left-side of her breast area and sparkled whenever she moved her torso.

            "How are you doing today, Ms. Kayaode?" I asked as I waited for her to meet me halfway which she did, brushing her skirt down a bit she nodded, "Very well, thank you for asking!" She replied to me.

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