A meeting face to face

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I walked around smelling all the different flowers left for Christine, waiting for someone to speak. I wasn't expecting much. Possibly just a voice?

"Christine is gone, if anyone can hear me." I spoke, feeling a chill go down my spine. "She went to have dinner with the Vicomte de Chagny. Her childhood sweetheart apparently." ...No reply. I waited a bit longer to speak again. "You know, if you are there and just not replying on purpose, you're making me feel rather silly."

At this point I was contemplating just leaving. Christine would understand... But I made a promise, and Christine was my best friend. So I waited. I sat on the floor and started playing with the curls in my hair.

"Clem, you're being gullible thinking that her Angel is real." I told myself out loud. "Oh sure, stay here all night. That'll help make Christine's fantasy a reality." I layed back on the floor and stared up at the ceiling. "Great... I'm crazy." I closed my eyes and thought about what I would be doing right now if I wasn't here... I would be sitting on the roof before bed. But no, I was here waiting for a figment of Christine's imagination-

"Do you often talk to yourself?" I was startled by a deep voice. I looked around and saw no one. I jumped to my feet as quickly as I could. I knew this voice, it was the same voice from the rooftop.

"Who's there?" I continued to scan the room. "You're the voice from the rooftop." I was excited to hear his voice again. I had almost convinced myself that what I heard was a dream and nothing more.

"So you talk to yourself as well and sing to yourself." He said, confirming my suspicions of who he was. "I demand you to tell me who this Fop you are talking about is. The one that Christine ran off with."

"You mean Raoul?" I ignored his rudeness.

"If that is this loathsome boy's name, then yes." His voice was stern and I could hear the hint of anger in it.

"Well, Monsieur, I would tell you..." stood in the middle of the room. 

"Yes?" his voice was demanding.

"But you see, I much prefer talking face to face. It makes the experience much more enjoyable and memorable, don't you think?" I could practically hear him scowl.

"You couldn't see my face on the rooftop, and yet I see you've had no problem forgetting me nor my voice." Touché.

"Oh, but it would have been so much more enjoyable and memorable if I had seen your face. And besides, you didn't even ask nicely. You demanded me to tell you" I toyed with him. 

"You will tell me."

"Why would I tell you?" I said amused.

All of a sudden I felt something on my neck. It was cold and sharp. A knife. Whoever this man was, he was standing behind me, holding a knife to my throat.

"I could kill you right now. No one would find you or ever know what happened to you. You would just disappear." millions of thoughts ran through my head. I was being threatened to my death. I had nothing to lose in life, but the thought was still scary.

"Is that all?" I laughed slightly.

"Oh? Not scared of death are we?"

"Terrified actually."

"Don't be funny with me girl." He pressed the knife into my skin lightly, I could feel a small trickle of blood run down my neck.

"You're not much of an Angel..." I said, matter of factly.


"Then who are you?"

"Take a wild guess!" He shouted.

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