I don't mind it.

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I watched his face light up and turn a bright shade of red as I pulled away from his cheek, lowering myself back down from tip toe. He might be able to make me blush from calling me 'dear,' but I also knew a few tricks.

There was something different  from the last time I was in the lair... Something had changed since the last time I had been here. I looked around, my eyes falling on the empty wall that had once been a home to pictures of Christine. They were all gone.

Why did he remove them? He must be trying to move on or something. I couldn't imagine how hard it was for him, losing the one person he cared about. At least I would stay. I wouldn't leave him. He was my friend.

"Um, Erik?" I began, taking off my cloak and setting it in the boat. I would retrieve it later.

"Mhm?" He hummed, walking over to organ and picking up a big pile of music sheets.

"I... I heard you," I made my way over to the couch by the fire and took a seat. "Your singing, that is. I got to the lake as you started and I didn't want to interrupt you, so I just waited and listened." I looked at my feet, hoping he wasn't angry at me.

"Oh," Was his simple reply. I heard his footsteps walk over. The couch dipped as he took a seat next to me instead of his armchair where he usually sat.

"It was a beautiful song." I played with the ends of my hair and didn't look up at him. "It was for her, right? Christine?"

"Not for her. I don't think anything I do will ever be for her again." I looked up from my feet and to his face. I can't explain the feeling my heart had at that moment. It was like the fact he was letting go of Christine was making me happy?

"I'm Sorry Erik."

"Why do you say you are sorry for things you know you could not have prevented?" He stared into my eyes.

"Well, because I hate seeing you so sad." I pause again, picking the kitten up off my chest and placing her on my lap. "I wish to see you happy, Erik."

"My dear, I could never be sad while I'm in your company." I felt a blush spread to my cheeks once more. I hated it when he did that.

"Mhm, then what about the rooftop? Il Muto opening night?" I said, contradicting his words.

"That doesn't count."

"Yes it does. you were sad in my company, were you not?"

"It was a moment of vulnerability." 

"Well it still counts, even so."

"It does not."

"It does too!" I raised my voice, crossing my arms and frowning up at him.

"You're being a pest again. Perhaps the lake will cool down that temper of yours." I glared at him,

"I would say 'your wouldn't' but I know for a fact you would, so I'll just shut up now." I heard him chuckle and I smiled softly. It was nice to hear him laugh.

I gazed down to his lap where the pile of music sheets he picked up earlier rested.

"Are those the sheets for Don Juan?" I asked, recognizing the melody in the notes.

"Yes. I got them mixed up earlier due to getting a little too worked up. I now need to organize them again."

"I could help, if you want me too."

"No, no. You've only read portions of it and what you did read made you blush so profusely, I thought your face would be permanently stained that red color."

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