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Clementine sat beside me, her eyes seeming so tired as she leaned back in her seat. She was so close, and yet with Nadir in the room, we couldn't be further apart. She held the tea cup ever so gently in both hands, blowing on the hot liquid to help it cool.

"Erik, you've got yourself a fine young lady here." Nadir said, adding cream and sugar into his cup.

"She's not mine." I spoke plainly, taking a sip from the small tea cup.

"That's what you always say. She's not yours, blah, blah, blah. Not yet, that is." I nearly spat up the hot liquid all over myself. I wanted to hurt him.

"Nadir, stop starting fights while Mademoiselle Clementine is present." I said, trying to shut him up.

"I didn't start it." Nadir. said bellow his breath. I heard Clementine giggle, snorting slightly.

"Erik, you don't have to call me 'Mademoiselle' anymore. You do know that." She took a sip and rested her head slowly on my shoulder.

"Nadir, can you go get Ayesha from the other room?" I asked, trying to get him away for just a moment. He looked at me and winked before standing up and walking in the direction of the bedroom.

"You've told him about how I gave her to you?"

"Yes. He thinks it's oh so romantic." I nudged her and I could hear a laugh escape her lips. The sound was pure beauty. Music to my ears. It was such a simple and un-complex thing. It was completely natural for a person to laugh, so why was her laugh so... different?

"Yes, Giving someone a kitten nowadays is grand romantic gesture." I looked at her, trying to find the words.

"And how was your date with the... Fop?" She sat up and turned to face me.

"Oh, don't get me started!" I smiled inwardly, secretly glad that the date was seemingly awful.

"Tell me about it." she shook her head.

"I doubt Nadir would want to hear about it."

"Hear about what?" Nadir walked in, carrying Ayesha.

"About her supposed 'Date'" I said, trying to keep the anger out of my voice.

"Someone is courting you?" Nadir was not as good at hiding his disapproval.

"He's trying to at least." Clementine sighed, trying not to get upset.

"I don't mind hearing about it at all, dear. Go right ahead." He sat back down, setting Ayesha on the floor before she proceeded to jump up onto Clementine's lap.

"Ugh! There was just so much that wasn't right. Hell, being there didn't even seem right." She groaned and leaned her head back. "The worst part was, he was an absolute gentleman! He supposedly meets all the expectations of a modern day suitor, but it was just tedious being with him!" She ranted.

"It was all that bad?"

"Yes. Not to mention what he did after walking me home." I furrowed my eyebrows and leaned in.

"What did the Fop do?" She looked down and played with the ends of her hair. She was nervous to say.

"Erik, don't interrogate her." I ignored him, placing my hand on top of hers. She perked her head up to look at me.

"He kissed me." I felt my rage boiling over. I knew she was not mine, nor was I hers, but the thought of someone else having the pleasure of placing their lip on hers angered me more then I would have ever thought.

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