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I slipped out of the Opera house at 11:45 so I would be able to take my time and maybe do a little shopping before meeting with Soren. I was surprised when Erik had offered to come with me, even though he had always said he didn't go outside during the day.

It was hard to believe Erik would even suggest that. He always made a point to say he would never go out during the day. He always ran his errands at night.

I took my time walking to the Café, stopping by different stores to take quick looks and even swinging by a fish stand. I would have done anything or gone anywhere to avoid the inevitable. I wasn't looking forward to seeing my brother after what happened the previous night, but alas... Nothing can be put off for forever.

The bell of the Cafe's door rang as I stepped into the room. It smelled absolutely amazing and I couldn't wait to order. At least I would get a cup of coffee out of all this hassle. It wasn't fair. I had avoided them for so long and suddenly out of nowhere he appears and wants to talk about the past.

"Bonjour." I greeted who I assumed to be the owner. He looked up and smiled.

"Bonjour, Mademoiselle." He asked me to take a seat at an empty table and I did as I was told. Soren wasn't here yet so I would just have to wait.

I might have to run again if things didn't go well with Soren now. My brother would determine my fate, he had my future in his hands. Soren had told me he would never rat me out, but that was before we got in that argument and Erik had nearly broken his arm. what if his mind had changed?

"Would you like to order now or are you waiting for someone?" A young man asked me. He had a uniform on so I made a accurate assumption that he was my waiter this afternoon.

"Oh, I'm waiting for someone." I responded. "But in the meantime I would love a cup of coffee." I smiled at him, playing with a strand of my hair. A bad habit I tended to turn to when I was nervous.

"Meeting with a suitor? You look nervous." I felt my eyes widen and I nearly choked on the air I was breathing. That was rather bold of him to assume.

"No! I'm meeting with my brother!" I quickly corrected him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mademoiselle! I didn't mean to offend you. If I have then I deeply apologize."

"No, no. It's quite alright. I understand the mix up." I was lying, I didn't understand the mix up. It was completely unprofessional to assume that of a customer. Even if I didn't mind it, if it had been someone else, the situation might had turned out different.

"Thank you for understanding, I apologize again. I'll go and fetch your coffee now." I had to stifle a laugh at his reaction. It wasn't anything to get so apologetic over, Although, assuming I was meeting with a suitor was rather forward unless he was trying to assess my relationship status.

Not long after ordering, the bell rang, causing my head to turn towards the direction of the door just in time to see Soren walking in. He wasted no time greeting the workers or stopping to check the menu. He simply walked right over and took the seat across from me.

"Good afternoon, Clem." He said, smiling. "Did you already order?" It seemed he had calmed his temper from the night prior.

"Good afternoon. Yes. I did. I ordered a cup of coffee. It should be here any minute." I spoke dryly. I wasn't happy to be here and I would not hide the fact.

"Good. Good." He stopped and thought his next words through. "Are you having a pleasant day?"

"Yes. I practiced earlier before getting changed and coming to meet with you. Are you doing well?"

The Dancer's Secret (Phantom of the Opera Phanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now