Christmas eve

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The day flew by quickly. Christine packed her bags to leave for Raoul's parent's house while I was in practice with Meg. After dancing until my feet were sore and numb, I sat in the chapel with Christine and Meg, praying over Christine's trip. We all hugged and kissed her goodbye before she had to leave. It would be the first time we all wouldn't be together for Christmas since I first came to the Opera house.

Christine would be spending Christmas with Raoul and his family, meeting his parents for the first time. Meg and Madame Giry usually spent Christmas with all the Ballerina's who had nowhere to go for the holidays, but this year all the dancer's had someplace to be. After practice had ended, most everyone left for their time off, minus a few workers and costume designers.

I loved Meg and Christine dearly, but being around them recently, tired me out. I was not sure what the problem was, but I had a feeling it had something to do with the fact Declan and Soren were currently living in the same city as me. The fact that they were living so close to me and knew exactly where I lived, frightened me.

There was not a moment that passed where Declan's offer didn't ring in my ears. The more I thought of it, the more the I deo of going back didn't seem so terrifying.

"Have a safe trip, alright?" I said as I embraced my dear friend. "Remember, don't open our gifts until Christmas morning. No cheating." Meg chuckled and I handed Christine the small box wrapped in red parchment.

"I promise." She got into the carriage with the help of Raoul, smiling at us and waving goodbye as the carriage started to pull away slowly. I stared at them, the picture of a perfect couple. Happy, beautiful, and loving. Although, It wouldn't hurt if Raoul were to take a little more time out of the day to style his hair. Some days it looked like a greasy mop was sitting on his head, and others, it looked like a dead animal.

"Have you and your mother decided what you're going to do for Christmas?" I asked, turning my attention to Meg who stood beside me, still waving to the carriage that was now disappearing behind a corner.

"I don't know. Mother and I were talking about going to our house on the outskirts of town. We've not been in a while, and since we don't have to stay for any ballerinas, it might be nice."

"That sounds like fun!"

"I think it would be. Besides, it's the house Maman and I lived while I was growing up. When my father was still alive and Maman was slightly less strict, I remember a few Christmas's like that, back then. Christmas would be very nice in the old house, I think." She smiled absentmindedly, like she wasn't truly here, but instead somewhere far off.

"You should go. With your Maman. It's a special place that should be kept safe in your heart." Her head perked up and she stared into my eyes.

"But what about you? Where will you go?"

"I'll be fine. I might go and visit my father again, or perhaps spend the day praying in the chapel. We can celebrate again once you get back." Her face lit up and she hugged me tightly. There I was again, lying about having a father.

"I'll go tell Maman right away!" she turned and started to walk off speedily.

"Alright. I won't be back until later. I have somewhere to be." she turned back at me, stopping.

"On Christmas Eve?" I nodded.

"There was a boy who asked me out. I didn't see any reason to decline."

"Then you won't be here to see me off." She frowned and walked back over to me once more, hugging me so tightly I don't think I could've breathed if I tried.

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