why have you brought me here

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All the ballerinas were stretching and warming up backstage. The play was about to start but Carlotta was nowhere to be found. I Guessed this was Erik's doing. Either that or Carlotta was just late. It wouldn't be unusual if it were any other situation, but never in her 5 seasons of working here had she been this late.

"Carlotta is nowhere to be found! Has anyone seen her today?" Firman shouted to everyone backstage.

"If she doesn't show up soon then I don't know what we'll do!" Andre added, crossing his arms and shaking his head.

"The play starts in 10 minutes and we do not have our Prima Donna!" Firman exclaimed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. No one spoke up. I turned to Christine and apparently so did our managers.

"Christine. You know the lines, correct?" Madame Giry asked and Firman's eyes lit up. Christine went pale and grasped my hand.

"Yes! Of Course! We have Christine. Why didn't I think of that!" Firman audibly sighed in relief.

"Well? Do you know the lines for tonight's performance?" Andre asked, wanting to be sure.

"Y-yes Monsieur... But I don't wish to perform tonight." She didn't want to sing anymore. Because of the Phantom. Erik.

"Mademoiselle Daae, we have no other choice! I beg of you. There is no one else with the talent and training required to play this role!" Firman begged her. Christine looked up at me, tears brimming her eyes. Madame Giry opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by the backstage door slamming open, revealing a disheveled Carlotta.

"I am here" Carlotta yelled through the crowd, pushing and shoving ballerinas and stagehands out of her way, "Don't you even dare try and give my role away to that dirty little chorus girl!" She glared at Christine before she was ushered away to quickly change into her costume and get ready to go on stage.

I peeked past the curtain and looked into Box 5 to see if Erik was there, but all I saw was an empty box. At least the Managers had given him that this time. Christine turned me around, meeting my eyes with fear.

"Clementine? What if he does something? What if something happens and I will have to sing?" I hugged her. Although I did not agree with her when she said that Erik was scary and he was a monster, she was still my friend and I wanted to make her feel safe.

"Even if you have to sing, Your Count is out there in the audience and I'm sure he will protect you." I also knew that Erik would do nothing to harm her, but she didn't even know I was well acquainted with him so I couldn't tell her that.

The music started up, queuing Carlotta to go out onto the center stage. she sat down as multiple men surrounded her, complimenting her beauty and flirting with her. Acting, of course. She then started singing passing drinks around to the male dancers.

Each man took their cup and drank the fake liquid inside before Carlotta tried to take her cup off the tray. It didn't go as rehearsed though. The cup stuck to the tray and Carlotta was visibly upset with this. She tried to pry it off of the tray before eventually just throwing the prop to the side, snatching one of the men's cups and drinking from it instead.

"That wasn't supposed to happen." I whispered to Meg, trying to hold in my escaping giggles. I turned my attention back to Carlotta who was continuing on like nothing happened. She then opened her mouth to sing again.


Nothing so much as a whisper escaped her mouth as she tried to continue the area.

"Clementine... I knew this would happen." Christine said to me. "Not this exactly, but something like it. I knew Carlotta wouldn't be able to sing and that would mean that I have to!"

The Dancer's Secret (Phantom of the Opera Phanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now