Wedding Bells

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Author's note!

Before we start, just a little TW for anyone who's not comfortable with douchebags being absolute assholes. I apologize in advance.

That's all! Enjoy the chapter my lovely's <3


I stood there in a beautiful white wedding dress, moments away from walking down the aisle. It was nothing I would have ever chosen for myself, but what did I care? Nothing in this whole arrangement was my choice. Not the decorations, the way my hair was styled, my makeup, the food, the venue, and not even the dress.

I didn't know anyone attending besides my brothers and my mother.

Oh God, My mother.

I hadn't seen her since I ran away. She probably didn't even want to see me. I was her biggest disappointment. It wouldn't surprise me if she slapped me as hard as she could the second she got a chance.

Both Declan and Soren had offered to walk me down the Aisle, but I decided that walking alone would be the better option. I didn't want to touch either of those walking pieces of scum after what they had forced me into.

I had only been here two weeks, and was already getting married. I hadn't expected it to be so fast. 

I gripped the bouquet of flowers tightly, feeling a thorn stab into my finger. A small flow of blood trickled down my hand, all the way to my wrist. My finger stung and throbbed, making me tear up. It was almost time.

My heart's pace quickened as the church doors opened and the wedding march began. Everyone turned around to face me, smiling and wiping tears from their own eyes. I heard whispers from the crowd, some about my appearance and others about rumors.

"She's so beautiful." "Isn't that dress so lovely?" "I heard she's a murderer." "Why does she look so sad?" "Is she going to cry?" "I wish that I looked like that when I got married." "Didn't she kill her own father?"

I felt a hand nudge me. I moved my gaze from all the people, to the guard by the doors. He smiled at me and gestured for me to start walking. I obeyed and started the long walk down the aisle. But In my opinion, It wasn't long enough.

"Why hasn't he come for me yet?" I remember asking Melany.

"Perhaps he didn't receive the note in time." She tried to comfort me.

"Or perhaps he just didn't care. Maybe I didn't mean so much to him after all." She had embraced me and tried her best to stop the flow of tears, but it was no use.

"If he isn't here by the wedding, I have another plan. Don't worry Clem. Everything will be fine in the end, I promise."

Well, today was the wedding, but it seemed it was too late for any plan to be put into action. If Melany had something planned, she seemed to be cutting it very close.

As I walked down the Aisle I met Melany's gaze, giving her a pleading look. I was minutes away from saying 'I do' and it all seemed hopeless.

I continued walking, going as slowly as possible to try and put off the inevitable for as long as I could. As I walked, I searched for any familiar faces, avoiding my Fiancé's eyes. I noticed my mother, sitting in the front row, smiling at me. I felt tears building up as I locked eyes with my mother. I mouthed an 'I'm sorry,' knowing that it would never be enough for her forgiveness, but hoping she saw my sincerity.

Finally the moment I had dreaded was right in front of me as I walked up to the alter steps to stand in front of Phillip. He took my hand and kissed it, walking with me the rest of the steps to stand in front of the Priest.

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