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I watched as this man, claiming to be Clementine's older brother, walked outside and sat on the step. Some might call me an eavesdropper for listening in on the conversation he had with Madame Giry, but I had merely overheard the use of Clementine's name, and had to hear what was being said. In case there were rumors being started or some nonsense like that.

I didn't know when Clementine would get back. Meg had mentioned that she was Christmas shopping, but from what Clem told me, she already had all that gifts she needed.

It wasn't long after he had been waiting on the steps that I saw Clementine approach the Opera house, but she wasn't alone. She was walking beside a boy, They were laughing about something he said before he stopped, bent down, and kissed her hand!

He kissed her hand! Was he courting her? Was she already with another man? I felt my heart burn inside my chest. She was not mine, but she would certainly not be his! That was preposterous! She was so beautiful and perfect, and he was so ugly and pathetic! He didn't deserve her.

She was perfect in every way, but him? What did he have? A decent suit? No. Clementine couldn't stoop so low as to let a man like that court her. She had standards. 

But still, the thought angered me. That stupid Fop! He had no right kissing her hand like that. And the fact that she didn't pull away concerned me. Did she like him? Romantically? I had only just found out I might have feelings for this woman, and now she was off getting flirted with other men?

It wasn't fair.

As soon as he walked his separate way, Clementine continued to the stairway that led to the entrance of the opera house in what seemed like a happy daze. The shopping bags she was holding swayed back and forth as she ascended the stairs.

She apparently didn't notice the man waiting for her at the top of the steps. If he tried anything with her, then I would kill him, plain and simple. I didn't care who he was, but if his intentions were not pure, he wouldn't live to see morning.

Clementine had nearly gotten to the top of the stairs when she finally noticed him. Her face contorted into one of fear and surprise and she tightened her fists. I watched from the shadows as her eyes widened and she stumbled back a few steps in disbelief. The way she was acting seemed to put truth into the man's words when he said he was her brother.

"What are you doing here?" She sighed out a breath she must've been holding. He looked up at her, standing immediately. He started walking down the steps to her but she backed away, making him stop in his advances.

"Clemy, It's me." I almost snorted at the nickname. Who would call someone that?

"Don't call me that." She snapped, breathing in deeply through her nose. "I know exactly who you are, Declan." I remember her mentioning him to me. Her eldest brother if I remembered correctly, which I usually did.

"Clementine. You have no idea how much I've missed you."

"Missed me? Is that why you want me to go back to that prison I'm supposed to call home? Is that why I'm supposed to choose between getting married to someone I don't love, or getting thrown in jail if not getting executed?"

"Sister, come. Let's go back to my house to discuss this. You can meet my future wife and we can talk about what is to be done." There was no way she was going back with him. If she did, I feared that she might never return.

"Sister?" She walked forward until she was face to face with him. "I'm not your sister, nor you my brother. You made that very clear the last time we talked face to face like this."

The Dancer's Secret (Phantom of the Opera Phanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now