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I looked around for him, but he wasn't here anymore. I decided to just leave and go back to the dorms, not before grabbing one of the many scarves from Christine's dresser to tie around my neck though. the bleeding had stopped but I still didn't want Meg to question the fresh cut on my neck. 

I had to be quiet when sneaking into the dorms because some of the girls were asleep. Most of them were still awake though, either talking quietly in bed or getting ready to sleep..

"Clem where were you?" Meg asked as I came in. "Were you with Christine? Maman wouldn't let me sneak away. How is she?"

"She's just fine. She's actually going on a date with The Vicomte de Chagny. His name is Raoul." I started untying my long hair and running my hands through it to get out the bigger tangles. I didn't want to brush it and create frizz.

"Our patron?" Meg gasped, Moving behind me to help untangle it. She had always been envious of my hair. Either from the curls or the length, but I knew she didn't love it for its color. "Did he just fall in love with her at first sight?" I undressed, and slipped on one of my few nightgowns before sitting down on the bed. The nightgown I put on had a high neckline, enough to hide my cut for now. I started to tie my hair into a thick braid.

"It's kind of a long story. Christine promised that she would tell me tomorrow about what happened and I'm sure she would be thrilled to tell you as well." I finished braiding my hair and hopped into bed. Meg laid in the bed next to mine.

"Fiiine." Meg groaned. "I can't wait to hear it!" Meg cuddled up under the covers and she was soon fast asleep. I stayed up a while longer thinking about Christine's Angel... Well, not much of an Angel. He had tried to kill me. In fact, I was almost certain that he was the Phantom of the Opera. Did Christine know this? I doubt it. She was my best friend and I knew she couldn't keep a secret to save her life.

My mind was in scrambles with all that had happened. I hadn't even considered singing again until the Phantom. He offered to teach me, yet I thought I already knew all I could know about singing. I had not sung for years, so maybe I was just a bit out of practice. Maybe a new teacher would be beneficial, just to learn new things. For myself and no one else... I would think about it. Soon after my mind cleared, I fell asleep.


I walked through my passages thinking about her. I couldn't get her off my mind. Usually Christine would be causing this problem, but this time it was that red haired chorus girl. Come to think of it, I didn't even know her name. All I knew was that she intrigued me. I knew most everyone's name. at least those who lived in the theater. 

I don't know why I heard her on the rooftop and decided to start singing with her. It was stupid of me, absolute idiocy! Her voice was strong and confident. It carried through the fresh air so well even though she wasn't singing loudly. She was not singing as if she were trying to impress someone, she wasn't singing to make heads turn, yet she turned mine without trying. She sang for herself, and no one else.

When I talked with that chorus girl in the dressing room, that was the first time I had revealed myself to anyone since Madame Giry. I was planning on Christine seeing me tonight, but that girl made Christine change her mind and go off with that fop! I was furious with her, but then I thought of the conversation we had.

She talked to me after I tried to kill her! This girl was either insanely brave, or just crazy. I had held a knife to her throat and threatened to end her life, and even in that moment she was calm and joked about her life as if it were nothing.

She wasn't like Christine at all, no. Christine was like a porcelain doll. Christine was gentle, shy, beautiful, and very fragile. Christine needed someone to protect her and keep her safe, someone to look after her. That chorus girl on the other hand was brave, sarcastic, spoke her mind, clever, and didn't need protection. And on top of all of that she was a mystery. I didn't get mysteries often. I knew most everything and everyone in my Opera House. Except apparently her.

The Dancer's Secret (Phantom of the Opera Phanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now