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I sat up slowly, being careful not to wake the sleeping masked man that lay beside me. My thoughts kept me awake, not giving me a moment of silence. Sleep didn't come to me no matter how tired and hurt my body was.

Not a week ago I was in Phillip's possession, thinking I would never escape. The fear of him showing up to take me back kept my mind awake and scared.

I squirmed at the thought, wrapping my arms around myself as shivers ran down my whole body. I could still feel his hands on my skin, burning like a hot poker. The feeling made me sick to my stomach, I needed fresh air

The low crackling of the fire filled the silence as I stood quietly, slipping on my shoes and grabbing Erik's cloak before wrapping it around me before aiming for the boat. I didn't quite remember how to use the Fireplace passage, It had been some time since I had been here.

I stepped into the boat and started rowing to the other side as fast as could while still being quiet so as to not wake Erik. So many nights I would dream of being here once more. I would imagine what life would be like for me and Erik. Would we have gotten married? Decided to have children? Perhaps we would have turned one of his unused rooms into a nursery.

I frowned, realizing I could never fulfil that life I had longed for with him. I could never marry him or bear his children. I could never have that simple, beautiful wedding I had imagined; and it was all because of Phillip.

I reached the other side of the lake, feeling the boat jolt slightly as it ran into the shore. I stepped out and started on my way up to the roof. I surprised myself by remembering the way through the labyrinth, having not been here for what seemed like years.  

I wondered what time it was; I remembered trying to get in the Opera house late at night, but I couldn't tell how much time had passed since then. Being in Erik's lair made it hard to tell if it was morning or night because no matter what the time, Erik's lair was always just... dark.

I reached the entrance to the roof, feeling around for a lever or switch that would open up the entry. I finally located a small button after searching for a minute or two, and pressed it.

The stone moved away slowly, allowing small drops or rain fall into the passage. I squinted at the sudden brightness, despite it being cloudy it was still brighter then Erik's lair. Bringing my arm up to block my face from the sun, I stepped out onto the roof. The entry closed behind me and I breathed on deeply.

My lungs filled with the moist, fresh air around me and the smell of rain consumed me entirely. For just a moment, all my pain subsided and allowed me to stand unfaltering in the soft fall of rain.

Drops of the refreshing water dripped onto my face and caught on my eyelashes causing me to smile and tilt my head back. I basked in the sunlight that was peeking through the clouds, enjoying the feeling of being completely free.

My smile erupted into a fit of giggles as I spun around and started to dance. It had been forever since I had been on this rooftop and danced to the music I created in my mind.

The sound of rain hitting the floor was music enough for me as I used rhythmic sound of raindrops hitting the floor to inspire the song in my head. I twirled and jumped, ignoring any and all pain I felt. I wouldn't let anything ruin this feeling. I was home at last, after months and months of waiting, and hoping, and praying to whatever God existed, I found my way back.

I kicked off my shoes, now dancing barefoot. My feet moved to the music, kicking and moving onto the very tip of their toes, dancing as if I were wearing my ballet slippers.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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