No One Would Listen

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As I walked in the front door of the Opera House I tried to avoid anyone's attention. If they noticed I had an animal with me, they would take her away and throw her out on the streets. She was too small to survive on her own right now.

It wasn't terribly busy today. Most of the people I saw were either practicing, standing around and chatting, or making new backdrops and sets for the next production. We were preforming Faust next, I believed. It was a strange play that I didn't care for much. It had a few beautiful songs, but the plot was not my favorite. A man who sells his soul to the devil.

Carlotta was of course given the lead again, despite what had happened the previous times she went on stage in front of a crowd. You would think that the managers would learn their lesson and finally fire her. Or at least maybe move her to the chorus section and hold auditions for a new singer that would satisfy the Opera Ghost's requirements.

I laughed, thinking about how I was one of the only people to know the truth behind the Opera Ghost. Or should I say Erik?

I ran up to the dormitories quickly, trying to avoid any of the people I knew. I Opened the chest at the foot of my bed and crammed the gifts I had bought inside before running to the rooftop stairway. I was very lucky Christine or Meg didn't see me. I Needed to see Erik.

As I walked up the stairs to the roof quickly, I felt the kitten moving around under my cloak. It was good that she was moving, it meant that she had strength and gave her a bigger chance of survival. She was a sweet and pretty little thing.

She was a Siamese cat, I concluded from her markings. Her coat was mostly a creamy white caramel color, but when you looked at her nose, tail, ears, and paws, the caramel color faded into a dark brown almost black.

There was complete silence when I stepped onto the rooftop, besides the crunching of snow underfoot. It was not unusual for Erik to take his time when coming up. Sometimes I had to wait a while for him to show.

One time I even fell asleep before he showed up and had to wake me up to go down. I was lucky I didn't catch a cold from sleeping in the snow.

I took a seat on the statue I knew had the secret passage hidden in it. While I was waiting I might as well relax a little. I lifted the cloak and peeked under it to see the sweet girl playing with the ribbon on my dress. She was acting completely fine after she had warmed up and drank her fill of cream.

I couldn't help but smile at her. I hoped Erik would be okay with her.

. . . . . .

I sat there for a while, waiting. He had never taken this long before. Maybe he didn't know I was waiting for him? Perhaps he was asleep? What if he had left for the day? No, he only left during night time. Then again, the sun was setting now. But why wasn't he here? I thought he knew about everything that went on in his Opera House.

Fine. If he wasn't going to come to be then I would go to him. I had gone down this passage many times before, I was bound to remember the way!

I stood up, supporting the kitten in one hand and searching for the hidden lever with the other. I looked around the statue, searching for anything that would open the hidden door. I couldn't see anything. I thought for a second before it hit me. Perhaps if I just... 

I closed my eyes, letting my hand do the searching. I felt around for something, anything, and all of a sudden my finger brushed against something. I opened my eyes and focused on what my hand had run over. I wasn't sure what it was, but I had to assume it might be the key to getting into Erik's lair. I flicked it gently and suddenly heard the stone move away, leaving the passage open.

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