The Past

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"E- Erik! I was just coming to see you." I blushed at our close proximity. He had caught me from falling yet again. "I- I brought milk for Ayesha." Being held by Erik, even if it was only because I fell, confirmed that I did indeed have feelings for the Opera Ghost standing in front of me.

"I can see that. I was just on my way to the rooftop to fetch you." So he knew I was coming. It made me wonder how often he was watching me. Had he seen the conversation I had with Declan? well, it didn't matter, I was going to tell him everything either way. Perhaps then he could help me.

"Erik, I have to tell you something." I pushed against him, releasing myself from his grip. "It's not a pleasant conversation, and I've put it off for as long as I could. But I don't know who else to turn to. No one else can know."

"Clementine, Is this about your brother coming to visit today?" So he had listened in. He had heard. I nodded and walked past him, heading towards his lair.

"I know all sorts of rumors about you. People say you've killed hundreds, but I would never believe them unless you told me yourself. I think no one should believe rumors or judge anyone for their pasts or what they've done, but I don't know what you believe."

"Where are you going with this, Clementine?" He walked closely behind me and but didn't look back at him. I feared if I saw his eyes, I would become a coward and not tell him a single thing.

"I deeply wish that nothing I tell you will make you think less of me. I seek your affection, and if you stopped wanting to see me, I don't know what I'd do." The words flew off my lips like a confession.

"Trust me, nothing you could have done in your past will ever make me think less of you."

"You say that now, but you don't understand." We reached the candle filled lair and I took off my cloak, setting it on the couch. I thought through the events in my mind, trying to get the story straight.

Ayesha, who was no longer skinny and sickly, ran up to great me. I picked her up and pet her soft fur before reaching into my bag for the milk.

After filling Ayesha's bowl with the cream, I handed the bag to Erik. His eyes looked into mine with confusion.

"The food in there is for you. The wine is to share." I tried to smile, but the thoughts of what I had done made it hard to.

"You didn't have to bring me anything."

"I wanted to. You probably haven't eaten all day, Erik." He didn't bother trying to deny it. He instead brought out the food and the wine bottle, setting them on the tea table. He then stood up and left the room for a few seconds before returning with two wine glasses.

He popped the cork and poured a generous amount into each glass, handing one to me. He sat on the couch and rotated his body to face me.

"I grew up on the countryside in Ireland. I was the third born, and their only girl. Normally Parents would be happy to have mostly boys, and they were, but that wasn't enough for them."

"I've told you before that you don't have to tell me anything. You're allowed to keep your privacy."

"I know. And I truly thank you for that. But I need to let it out." He nodded and I continued. "My mother wasn't against the thought of having a girl. She in fact loved the idea of putting me in dance and voice lessons and being able to dress me in pretty dresses." I took a sip of my wine, the red liquid drying my mouth.

"And your Father?"

"Less ecstatic. He only wanted boys and the fact I had come out a girl was disgraceful. He had been married before, you see. To a older won who he had two children with. But when he met my mother in France, he found some way to get rid of his wife and marry my mother instead. It wasn't a loss to him because his previous wife had given no sons. Just two daughters."

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