Rooftop song

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I sat on the roof of the Opera Populaire watching my legs dangling over the edge, swinging slightly. It was too easy to get lost in the fresh air and the gorgeous view the rooftop supplied.

It was perfect. I cleared my throat and started humming a small tune. It was a soft, sweet melody, although I had forgotten where I had heard it. A melody that always played inside of my head. I was a chorus girl. Singing and dancing backup to all the leads characters.

I was good. A good singer, dancer, and I even knew a little piano. I was raised to know that I was good. I was trained and tutored to be the best there was. If I wanted to, I could get PrimaDonna in an instant. But that was not what I wanted. I came here to be a background character. To blend it. Attention being brought to be from the public would only amount to disaster.

I started to sing the words to the song I was previously humming out loud. I sang softly to myself to fill the empty silence as the people passed down below, all scurrying off to somewhere. Singing used to be one of my most favorite things to do. Used to be. Now, it wasn't so important to me. I would rather focus on my dancing. Singing would just be a hobby.

I raised my voice to sing a bit louder and clearer. I wasn't singing like a professional would on stage, I was just singing to myself.

I closed my eyes, steadying myself on the overhang, not wanting to fall off. A light breeze sent a shiver down my spine as I tightened my grip on the edge.

My eyes darted open and I stiffened as I heard a voice singing along with me. It was clearly a man's voice. I froze and looked around, yet the voice seemed to be coming from nowhere. Perhaps it was just all in my Head? But his voice was so melodious and wonderful. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back becoming fully submerged in his singing.

I suddenly heard the voice very clearly in my left ear, like he was right next to me. I opened my eyes and turned my head quickly, but as I did the door to the roof swung open distracting me.

If not for Christine and Meg bursting through the door, I was sure I would have seen him. But if they had not come to get me I would have completely missed our rehearsal for Hanibal, which didn't sound so horrible. As silly as it sounds, I kind of wished I could've heard him sing the rest of the song.

"Clem!" Meg exclaimed. "We have rehearsals in less then five minutes!!" she ran over to the edge and grabbed my hand, pulling me off the ledge and back onto the safety of the roof. "What do you even do up here? It's so boring and cold!" I walked with her, smiling at the fact that she was so clueless.

"This is the third time this month, Clementine! You've got to stop doing things like this" Christine said to me in her soft, mouse like voice. "The show is tonight, you can't be late this time." I laughed as we ran down the spiral staircase.

"I'm sorry girls, I just got carried away! I was watching the people pass below, and the breeze was so pleasant, and- it is just a very nice morning to be out on the roof." I said, trying to defend myself.

"Oh, Were you contemplating the meaning of life again?" Meg said, teasing. "Don't you know that the meaning of life is to find a rich old man, marry him, then feed off of his money?" I laughed at her joke and played along.

"No, no, Meg. You marry him, then after they have a little 'accident' you inherit all the money they leave you. Then you don't have to satisfy their needs, you get their money, and you can marry for love the second time around." I laughed and lightly bumped her with my hip. When Meg and Christine heard this they nodded in agreement, then burst out laughing.

"Well, we both know what Clem's life plan is now!" Christine laughed. We continued running until we were in the ballet dressing room. We helped each other get into the costumes before sneaking into the crowd of ballerinas who were all warming up and stretching. Me, Meg, and Christine all hopped and prayed that Madame Giry wouldn't notice, but of course she did.

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