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I reached the rooftop, feeling the cold air bite at me. I breathed it in and looked around. I didn't see him. At this moment I felt stupid for forgetting to put on my cloak.

"Well of course he's not here! He doesn't live on the rooftop, Clem." I spoke out loud to myself. "And besides, It's the middle of the night. He's probably asleep anyway. You're stupid for coming out here." I face palmed and called out in last desperation. "Phantom? Phantom of the Opera? Are you there?" ...Nothing.

I wasn't sure what to do now. Do I just go back to bed? Maybe I should wait until tomorrow night. That's when I usually saw him. When it started getting dark. I turned and started walking to the edge of the roof.

I wasn't going to sit on it like earlier, I simply leaned against it and watched the stars. The moon was crescent and the stars were all shining brightly above Paris. I looked around again to check if he was there now, but I only saw the Wine bottle I had brought up earlier. It was sitting on the edge right where I had left it.

"Okay Clem, you saw the stars. You should head back to bed now. It's freezing out here anyways." I kept my eyes on the stars, disregarding what I just told myself. "Well, maybe just one drink?" I picked up the bottle and took a swig. 

"Talking to yourself again, are we?" I jumped at the suddenness of his voice. I had wanted to see him, but hadn't fully expected to actually meet him up here. "Talking to yourself and drinking? Such a thing for a lady doing at this hour." 

"Phantom!" I turned to see him standing right next to me, looking at the sky like I had done seconds prior. How did I not notice him? He was right there. "I wanted to apologize for running off like I did." I twiddled with my fingers.

"It's perfectly alright. I wasn't trying to make you feel uncomfortable. I was not even expecting you to accept my offer." He just continued the look at the stars. I reached out the bottle to him and he looked at it for a second before taking it from me, stealing a lingering swig. He set it down between us and focused his gaze back on the sky. 

"I actually came up here for that reason..." I started. "I wanted to tell you that I would very much like you to teach me how to sing. Well, improve my singing that is. I think that if you could teach Christine how to sing so beautifully then you must be a brilliant teacher because she had told be that her voice was nothing far from Carlotta before you started to help her.  There's just-" I rambled slightly and waited for his reaction. "I apologize. I didn't mean to ramble."

He turned and looked down at me, I couldn't exactly read the emotion on his face. His eyes were illuminated in the light my candle provided. His mask may have hid half his face, but yet I could still understand him. Not in the way where I could read his thoughts, but I understood the pain he was feeling. The man standing In front of me was quite handsome and I wondered yet again why he hid himself from the world.

"You're leaving my hanging." I giggled thinking that it was ironic considering he had been the one to catch me and keep me from falling to my death. 

He stared at me and I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't have anything else to say and he wasn't saying anything either. I locked eyes with him and lost myself with them. All of a sudden he tore his eyes away from me.

"Deepest apologies. I didn't mean to stare." He Bowed his head slightly and seemed lost for words of what to say next. "Are you positive that you wish for me to teach you?"

"I wasn't sure at first, but now I am. I want you to teach me... If you still wanted to that is." I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and smiled at him. 

"Of course I still want to. I would never pass up an opportunity to mold such a beautiful voice like your own." I blushed slightly. He was a gentleman. 

The Dancer's Secret (Phantom of the Opera Phanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now