18: I'm so sorry

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Edmund sighed a little as he opened his eyes, blinking in the sudden light before glancing across at Peter. "What?" He mumbled, still sounding half asleep.

Peter smiled a little. "I was wondering if you wanted to do some sword fighting practice?" He asked with a small shrug.

Edmund stared at him for a second. "What time is it?" He mumbled.

"Half nine." Peter replied slowly.

Edmund looked quite shocked at this, but nodded his head. "Yeah, that'd be fun." He agreed. "But can we at least have breakfast first?"

Peter let out a quiet chuckle and nodded. "Of course we can." He said. "You don't think I'd let you train on an empty stomach do you?"

Edmund smirked at him. "You wouldn't dream of it." He said, sitting up slowly.

"No I wouldn't." Peter replied with a laugh, before frowning when Edmund flinched. "Perhaps it isn't such a good idea after all, your arm is obviously causing you a lot of pain."

Edmund froze, taking a deep breath. "No it's fine." He said after a moment. "I promise you I'm alright Peter, just a bit stiff."

Peter smirked. "Been lying in the same position for too long." He laughed, shaking his head a little.

"I guess yeah." Edmund said, rubbing at his eyes.

"Well, hurry up and get ready and then we'll go and get some breakfast." Peter told him, standing from where he'd been sat at the edge of the bed.

Edmund nodded and slowly climbed out of bed, forcing back a wince as best he could as pain shot through his stomach, causing way more pain than he would've liked.

But he ignored it completely and suffered in silence... for his siblings sakes.


Edmund chuckled slightly as he blocked Peter's sword, grinning up at him as Peter glared playfully down.

"Is that the best you've got?" Edmund teased.

"Don't tempt me." Peter chuckled, pushing Edmund back a few steps before jumping quickly to avoid his brother's sword.

Edmund then had to quickly duck under Peter's sword, laughing slightly as he stood up straight again. "We've been at this for half an hour." He chuckled, even as he lunged forward.

"Has it really been that long?" Peter questioned, blocking Edmund's sword easily enough. "No wonder I'm getting tired."

"I'm getting tired too." Edmund breathed, jumping to his left to avoid Peter's sword.

"You want a break?" Peter asked immediately, a look of concern making it's way onto his face.

"We can do for a little while." Edmund nodded, lowering his sword and concentrating on getting his breath back. His scar was throbbing by this point, and even he was shocked he was able to hide the pain he was in from Peter, shocked but glad of course.

Peter lowered his sword too, slightly concerned about the way Edmund was gasping, and he took no care in hiding his worry.

"I'm fine Peter." Edmund breathed. "Promise."

Peter frowned at him. "Sit down." He demanded gently, gripping Edmund's arm and pulling him down to sit on the floor.

"I don't think I really need to sit down Pete." Edmund muttered, only for his eyes to go wide seconds later, almost screaming at the sudden pain from his stomach.

"Ed?" Peter asked quickly, panick in his voice.

Edmund gasped slightly, trying to come up with a quick excuse. "Cramp." He muttered eventually, rubbing at his hand.

Peter sighed and placed his hand on Edmund's shoulder, waiting until Edmund had relaxed a little. "Alright?" He asked.

Edmund swallowed hard. No, it was definitely not alright. His scar felt like it was on fire. "Yeah." He whispered, nodding his head. "But, do you reckon we could call it a day? I know we haven't really been training for that long, but I'm exhausted."

"Of course Ed." Peter said instantly. "We don't have to carry on if you don't want to."

Edmund gave him a small smile. "Thanks." He mumbled.

Peter smiled back with a small nod. "What do you say we get out of this armour and then go and see what the girls are up to?" He suggested.

"Sounds good." Edmund agreed, already hesitantly making his way to his feet.

He kept back a wince as best he could, and walked beside Peter as the two headed back towards the castle.

After about a minute though Peter frowned. "Ed, are you alright?" He asked. "You're very pale."

Edmund swallowed hard, blinking back tears and immediately making his breathing heavier. He felt like he was gonna pass out, and hopefully if he did, Peter would just blame it on lack of air.

"Edmund?" Peter choked, worried to hear his brothers gasps.

"I - I'm okay." Edmund choked out, but he could actually feel the blood seeping into his tunic, and hoped Peter wouldn't notice. But then he thought that if he passed out, he was definitely going to notice.

"No you're not." Peter said quickly, bringing them both to a stop. "Ed come on, breathe."

Edmund stared at him for a moment, before coming up with an idea. "I'm so sorry about this." He choked out, before turning and running as fast as he could back towards the castle.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as the pain only got worse, making running all the more hard, but he just had to get away from Peter, he couldn't let his brother find out.

He could hear Peter calling after him, hear him running after him, and the second he was inside the castle, he slammed the door shut and headed for his and Peter's room.

He felt like he could scream, but he forced himself not to, and forced himself to continue, even when he passed a shocked Lucy, who called after him in panick.

He decided after seeing Lucy to go the long way to his room, which would make it look like he was heading towards the library, hoping to shake his siblings for a while.

Once he'd finally reached his room though, he burst through the door and ran into the bathroom, finally letting out a quiet cry of pain as he slammed the door and locked it, before backing against a wall and wrapping an arm tightly around his stomach.

He stood there for maybe ten seconds, before his eyes started to droop, and the next thing he knew, he'd hit the floor, before everything went black.


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