2: A Golden light

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"You really told him he couldn't go anywhere or do anything alone?" Susan said, raising her eyebrow at her older brother.

Peter sighed. "Yeah." He muttered. "I'm not taking any risks, not after everything that's happened to him already."

Susan bit her lip gently as she nodded slowly. "I understand." She said slowly. "Where is he now?"

"In the gardens with Lucy." Peter told her. "He said he needed to get some fresh air."

"What do you say we join them?" Susan suggested with a smile, already leading Peter down the corridors.

"I take it I don't have a choice?" Peter chuckled as he followed her.

"Not really." Susan smirked. "Besides, you could do with some fresh air too."

Peter nodded. "I suppose." He muttered as they both stepped outside.

It didn't take them long to find Edmund and Lucy, and Peter couldn't help but grin as he watched Edmund tackle Lucy to ground and begin tickling her, Lucy giggling so hard her face had gone red.

Susan gave Peter a smile, before walking over to join her two younger siblings, who after seeing her walk over, both sat up at smiled at her.

"Hey." Lucy grinned, rather breathless and she pushed her hair from her eyes and retrieved her crown which had fallen on the floor.

"Alright?" Susan asked, sitting down and leaning against a tree.

"Uh hu." Lucy replied with a nod. "What you two doing out here?"

"Just getting out of the castle for a little." Peter told her as he sat beside Susan.

"Either that or you came to keep an eye on Edmund." Lucy said playfully.

Peter smirked and glanced at his brother, who just shook his head with a laugh. "That too." Peter agreed.

"Oh." Lucy said suddenly. "Me and Edmund were thinking that maybe after dinner we could have hot chocolate?"

Peter grinned. "I don't see why not." He said with a shrug. "That actually sounds like a good idea."

Lucy smiled at him before shuffling over and curling up into his arms, resting her head against his chest with a warm sigh.

Peter's arm instinctively wrapped around her shoulders as he placed a kiss to the top of her head, about to say something but stopping quickly when a centaur approached them.

"Your majesties?"

"Yes?" Peter asked, frowning slightly at the worry in the centaur's voice.

"I'm afraid you're all needed in the throne room." The centaur told the four children. "Some dwarfs have just come to the castle, and they said they have to talk to you urgently."

"Any idea what they want to talk about?" Susan questioned, even as she stood and straightened out her dress.

"I'm afraid not your majesty." The centaur said.

"That's alright." Susan smiled. "We'll be there in a minute."

"Of course." The centaur said, bowing his head before heading off back towards the castle.

"Do we have to go?" Edmund grumbled, standing and trying his hardest to make his crown stay straight.

"It's urgent Ed." Susan told him gently. "So yes."

"I'm sure we won't be there too long." Peter reassured him and Lucy, who looked rather annoyed. "And then we can have dinner and then hot chocolate."

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