28: I will find him

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Edmund trembled hard as he sat in the dark, alone, scared with tears streaming down his cheeks.

He didn't want this to happen. He didn't want to die. Not like this. Not alone, not in pain, not in the dark, and not without his siblings.

The worst thing was his siblings didn't even know where he was, or what was happening, and the fact that he'd never get to apologise to Peter for knocking him out made him feel sick... not that he wasn't already feeling partly sick anyway.

He groaned slightly when the pain all of a sudden got worse, pulling his knees closer to his chest and sobbing quietly, his eyes squeezing shut as he tried to think of anything but what was going to soon happen... but that was easier said than done.

He could feel the blood seeping into his tunic, but he wasn't yet having trouble breathing, which he took to be a good sign.

But after perhaps ten minutes, his breathing was picking up speed, and he was finding it harder and harder to draw breath, not to mention how much pain he was now in.

It hurt so badly that he couldn't help but scream, loudly. He didn't know how much longer he could cope with this, and it didn't help that all he could imagine was Jadis' face, smirking down at him as he died a slow and agonising death... just like she'd always wanted him too.

He sat there in agony for the next half an hour, before it actually felt like the witches wand itself had sliced straight through his body.

He let out a horrific gasp, eyes slamming shut and mouth opening in a silent scream.

It was too much to handle, and he instantly collapsed to the floor, not helping his situation at all when his skull collided with the stone floor.

He lay there, gasping and gradually feeling his blood soaking his clothes, and the pain was unbearable... just like last time.

He lost all sense of time, and had no idea how long he lay there, but it felt like an eternity.

He knew he couldn't hold on much longer, and the last thing he saw was a bright, blinding Golden light, before everything went black.


"Any sign of him?" Peter asked quickly.

Orious shook his head. "I'm afraid not." He sighed. "We searched the whole castle, he's not here."

Peter took a deep breath. "Alright." He choked. "You and some guards go and start searching the woods, me and my sisters will go and search the beach, send someone after us if you find him."

Orious immediately bowed his head. "Of course your majesty." He said quickly, before turning to some nearby guards.

Peter sighed a little and turned to his sisters. "Come on." He muttered, dashing off down the corridor and to the set of stairs that led them down to the beach.

"How's your head?" Susan asked as they walked.

"I've got more important things on my mind." Peter muttered, going just a little faster than Susan and Lucy.

Susan didn't look impressed by this. "Peter, a knock to the head can be pretty dangerous." She said. "You'll be no help to Edmund if you suddenly just collapse."

Peter sighed. "It's fine Susan." He said. "I can't feel a thing, it's like it never happened."

Susan glanced down at Lucy, who shrugged her shoulders, before looking back up to Peter. "If you're sure." She mumbled.

"I'm sure." Peter said. "Now come on, we have to find Edmund and figure out what an earth is going on."

It took a little longer than Peter would've liked, but eventually they made it down onto the beach.

"I don't see him." Lucy said, sounding worried.

Peter took a deep breath. "He could be anywhere." He said, turning to face his sisters. "Check behind every set of rocks, every cliff edge, every cave. If he is down here somewhere I want him found, and as quickly as possible."

Susan nodded. "We'll find him Peter." She said gently. "I promise we will."

Peter swallowed hard. "Let's just hope Jadis doesn't find out that he's not in the castle." He practically whispered, before he immediately began searching, calling his brothers name every ten seconds for almost half an hour.

"He's nowhere on the beach." Susan said, running over to him and panting slightly.

"We check the caves then?" Lucy questioned.

Peter didn't even reply and quickly ran over to the entrance of the nearby cave, noticing at once the footprints in the wet sand. "He - He's here." He choked, eyes wide before he glanced up and into the cave. "Edmund!" He cried. "Ed!?"

When there was no answer, Peter found a long, large stick and eventually managed to set it on fire, peering into the cave before taking a step forward.

Lucy kept close to Susan behind, Peter walking ahead with his torch, his voice cracking everytime he called his brothers name. "Ed! If you're in here please answer me!" He called, but only the echo answered him.

"He has to be in here." Susan said slowly. "Those were his footprints."

Peter nodded. "He's here." He said firmly. "I know he is, I will find him... Edmund!"

They walked on for another two minutes, before they reached the end of the cave, and when Peter let his eyes adjust to the darkness, he pushed the torch forward and froze at what he saw.

Susan and Lucy gasped, Lucy letting out something of a sob and burying her face against Susan's side, clinging to her.

Peter stood frozen to the spot, hardly daring to believe what he was seeing... before tears started to slowly make their way down his cheeks. "Ed."


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