35: He never gives up

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"Please." Edmund choked, tears streaming down his cheeks as he lay on the icy floor of the witches dungeons, a dozen or so bleeding lashes covering his back.

His head was pounding by this point, and he knew, somehow he'd caught a fever, the sweat on his forehead and the dizziness being his first clue.

He cradled his arm close to his chest, not daring to move it even the slightest, for fear of hurting himself even more... seeming as the arm was broken.

The witch towered above him, smirking as she circled him. "This is far from over Edmund." She laughed, flicking her whip against the floor which caused Edmund to wince sharply. "I have as long as I like to kill you, seeming as everyone else thinks you're dead. But don't worry, it wont last more than um, five days? I don't want to take any chances."

Edmund squeezed his eyes shut and let out a quiet sob, shaking his head slightly, instantly regretting it though.

His eyes snapped open and he let out a loud cry when the witch grabbed his broken arm and yanked him into a sitting position, pushing him against the wall which caused the lashes on his back to start stinging as they pressed against the ice.

He sat there, crying silently and clutching his arm, able to do nothing but surrender.

Surrender to the witches torture... surrender to death, after all... no one was coming to rescue him anyway.



eter hurried through the woods, walking as quickly as he could, wanting nothing more than to save his brother before it was too late.

The thought that the witch would pretend to kill him so she could give him a painful, slow death made Peter feel sick to the stomach, and he found himself almost gagging.

The images that filled his head were not pleasant to say the least, and he just hoped Edmund wasn't going through anything that his mind was making up right then, but with a sinking heart Peter realised that that probably wasn't the case... the witch would do anything she could to put Edmund in as much pain as possible.

Which is why he was determined to save him. He'd promised to save him. Promised his sisters, promised Aslan, promised himself... promised Edmund, although he hadn't actually said it to his face.

And he would keep that promise... no matter what.


"Do you reckon Peter will be able to rescue him?" Lucy mumbled from where she sat on the edge of Susan's bed in her older sisters room, swinging her legs back and forth and staring at the cream coloured carpet on the floor.

Susan sighed sadly and walked over to sit beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Course he will Lu." She said gently. "This is Peter, he never gives up on the ones he loves."

"I - I just dont want the witch to - you know, before he can get there." Lucy said quietly, resting her head against Susan's shoulder.

"She won't Lucy." Susan mumbled, trying to sound sure. "You'll see Ed again, I promise."

Lucy swallowed hard. "Aslan said he can't be healed by my cordial." She whispered.

"We'll help him heal Lucy." Susan said softly. "And anyway, this is Edmund, he's stronger than I think we all give him credit for."

"Why - why is it always Ed?" Lucy choked after a moment of two of silence. "He's done nothing to deserve all of this, nothing."

"I know." Susan sighed. "I hate that he'd say otherwise though."

"He still blames himself?" Lucy asked, although she sounded like she already knew the answer.

Susan nodded slowly. "He does." She sighed.

"It wasn't his fault, Jadis tricked him." Lucy said sadly.

"I know Lucy." Susan mumbled. "And in time we'll help him to see that okay?"

"Okay." Lucy agreed, nodding her head firmly, before swallowing hard. "I miss him."

"I do too Lucy." Susan whispered, pulling her into a full hug and placing a kiss to the top of her head. "But come on, just don't think about it."

Lucy nodded, but knew that was easier said than done.

"Why don't we go and have a late dinner and then get some sleep?" Susan suggested. "You can sleep with me tonight if you like?"

Lucy nodded. "I'd like that." She mumbled, sniffing a little.

"Come on then." Susan said gently, pulling away and helping her to her feet, leading her from the room, but she only had one thing on her mind right at that moment... and that was her little brother.


Edmund let out a quiet sob as the cell doors slammed closed behind the witch, which meant he was now alone... alone and in a lot of pain.

She'd been at the torture all afternoon, and it was now beginning to get dark. Edmund had no doubt he'd be left alone for the rest of the night, but the witch would continue first thing tomorrow morning, and whilst this thought terrified him, there was absolutely nothing he could do about it.

There was no way he would be able to escape, not in his state, and not to mention the fact that he'd probably get caught if he did try. And then there was the fact that there was absolutely no chance of him getting rescued, because everyone thought he was dead.

He couldn't help but wonder what his siblings were doing right at that moment, and his mind kept telling him that they were devastated, back at Cair probably planning his funeral.

But he couldn't of been more wrong, for Peter was in fact on his way, and as he made his way steadily across the shallow part of the river, he vowed that he wouldn't even sleep until Edmund was safe and back in his arms, right where he belonged.


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