11: I couldn't let you die

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"What do you say we get you home?" Peter asked gently after a short while, pulling away and giving his brother a small smile.

Edmund smiled back at him and nodded. "I'd like that." He murmered, blinking back the tears that were in his eyes.

Peter swallowed hard, having seen the tears, and slowly rose to his feet, pulling Edmund up with him and gripping his arms quickly when he swayed. "Ed?" He asked hesitantly. "Are you alright?"

Edmund sighed. "Just, exhausted." He mumbled.

Peter stared at him for a moment as they made their way back towards Philip. "You haven't slept?" He guessed.

Edmund shook his head. "Not a wink." He mumbled. "I'm also extremely hungry and thirsty."

"You can have my lunch." Peter told him firmly, knowing Edmund would try and argue. "And I brought water too."

Edmund stared at him but eventually nodded. "Thanks." He whispered, just as they reached Philip.

"Edmund." The horse said, relief in his voice. "You're safe."

Edmund swallowed hard. "I guess yeah." He mumbled, forcing a smile for his friend.

Peter left his brother leaning against Philip's side as he walked around and grabbed his lunch from his bag, walking back and handing it to Edmund.

"You can eat and then we'll head home." He said gently, helping Edmund to sit down against a nearby log.

Edmund stared at the food for almost thirty seconds before he finally took a bite, and then before he knew it the food was almost gone. "Peter please have some." He said quickly. "You must be hungry too."

But Peter shook his head. "You haven't eaten in over two days Ed." He said. "I ate this morning. Now please finish it."

Edmund swallowed hard but did as he was told, before slowly standing and taking the water which Peter handed him.

"Feel better now?" Peter asked, voice full of concern.

Edmund nodded. "Alot better." He breathed. "Thank you."

"Good." Peter said, sighing in relief. "Now let's get you home and into bed."

"Sleep sounds good." Edmund murmured as Peter helped him up onto Philip, him climbing up behind and wrapping his arms around his waist.

They'd probably been walking for around ten minutes when Edmund spoke. "Why did you do it?" He asked, his voice sleepy as he rested his head back against Peter's shoulder.

"Do what?" Peter replied, trying his hardest to warm Edmund's hands up, seeming as they were cold as ice.

"Give her the wand." Edmund said, trying his hardest to keep his eyes open.

Peter sighed. "I couldn't let you die Ed." He mumbled.

"But - But she's dangerous with the wand." Edmund sighed, his eyes drooping. But he was determined to finish this conversation.

"I know she is." Peter said. "But we can fix this. We'll get rid of her and everything's gonna be alright."

"But you heard that warning." Edmund choked. "Do not let the wand fall into the wrong hands, it meant Jadis!"

"I know it did, we figured that." Peter sighed. "But I promise Ed, this is gonna turn out fine, we just have to trust Aslan."

Edmund stared ahead of him for a moment before nodding. "I can do that." He murmered.

Peter smiled. "Get some sleep." He whispered, giving Edmund's hands a tight squeeze. "You need it."

Edmund only nodded in reply and finally allowed his eyes to close, and within a minute or two, he was leant back against Peter, fast asleep.

Peter sighed as he glanced at Philip. "He's exhausted." He choked.

Philip sighed. "Let's just be grateful he's not hurt." He replied, but he did still look worried.

Peter, after a moment or two, nodded. "I suppose it could've been a lot worse."
He mumbled, voice quiet.

Philip nodded. "It really could've been."


The next thing Edmund became aware of, was someone lifting him into their arms, causing him to groan a little and open his eyes partly.

"Shh." Came Peter's voice. "It's only me. We're home Ed, I'll take you to our room alright?"

Edmund was really too tired to argue with this, so he just settled with resting his head against his brothers shoulder and nodding slowly. " 'kay." He mumbled, his eyes shutting again, before he frowned. "Susan and Lucy?" He asked.

Peter smiled at him as they made their way through the castle. "I'll go and find them in a minute alright?" He said. "Just let me get you into bed."

Edmund nodded in reply and the next thing he knew he was being laid in his bed and covered with at least 4 blankets, which he was glad of seeming as he was still rather cold.

"The girls are probably having dinner." Peter said as he sat on the edge of the bed beside his brother. "I'll go and get them if you want?"

Edmund this time managed to open his eyes fully and smiled slightly. "I'd like that." He whispered. "I've missed them."

"They've missed you too." Peter said gently. "And so have I."

Edmund stared at him for a second before smiling. "I'm back now." He said, untangling an arm from the blankets and gripping Peter's hand.

Peter chuckled slightly. "I know." He almost whispered. "And I'm not letting you out of my sight again."

Edmund nodded.

"And we are going to talk later." Peter said suddenly.

Edmund frowned. "About?" He asked hesitantly.

"About how you ended up in the witches castle and what happened there." Peter mumbled. "Of course, only if you want to talk about what happened there." He added quickly.

Edmund nodded. "It wasn't too bad so I'll talk, yeah." He breathed.

If only I could tell you everything though

"Ed?" Peter questioned at the look on his face.

Edmund blinked. "Sorry." He said, forcing a small laugh. "Daydreaming."

Peter looked slightly worried at this but his worry soon disappeared when Edmund let out another laugh and shook his head slightly in amusement. "Just go and find the girls." He chuckled. "I've missed them way too much."


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