14: It had started

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Edmund blinked slightly in the bright light as he woke the next morning, immediately becoming aware of someone running a hand lightly through his hair.

Looking to his right, he spotted Peter sat on the edge of his bed, something of a small smile on his face. "Morning." He murmered.

Edmund frowned slightly as he sat up, leaning against the headboard with a yawn. "Morning." He breathed. "How long have you been sat there?"

Peter sighed. "Since 8 maybe?" He said with a shrug.

Edmund glanced across the room and at the clock, sighing sadly when he saw that it had just gone 9am, before looking back to Peter. "I'm fine." He mumbled. He so wanted to add a 'for now' onto the end of that sentence, but he knew he couldn't.

Peter nodded slowly. "I know." He sighed. "But I'm not taking any chances, the witch is still out there Edmund, and I won't let her have you again."

Edmund stared at Peter before frowning a little. "What did you do?" He asked warily.

Peter hesitated before sighing. "I doubled the guards outside our bedroom door, and doubled the guards throughout the castle." He explained. "You are not to leave the castle, and everyone knows that so don't even try and sneak out, someone will catch you eventually, and I'm not letting you out of my sight whenever I can help it."

Edmund blinked at him. "Don't you think you've taken this just a little too far?" He questioned, rubbing gently at his eyes.

Peter gave him a firm look. "I'm not taking any risks." He said. "I will not let you get hurt again, not by her."

Edmund swallowed hard, he was sure he was going to explode if he kept everything to himself for any longer, but he would bare the pain, for his siblings' sakes. "Alright." He murmered. "But please tell me I'm at least allowed to go outside in the gardens?"

Peter nodded. "Yes, you can do that. I'm not cruel." He said with a smirk.

Edmund chuckled slightly, before flinching.

"Ed?" Peter asked almost immediately, worry overtaking his voice.

Edmund froze. His scar, it was sore, it had started.

"Edmund?" Peter tried again when his brother didn't answer.

Edmund shook his head a little before glancing up at him. "Sorry." He mumbled. "My lip."

Peter stared at the deep cut on his bottom lip for a moment before taking a deep breath and nodding slowly. "Alright." He murmered.

Edmund bit his lip before climbing from the bed, and after reassuring Peter he wasn't going anywhere, he slipped into the bathroom.

The second he was inside he locked the door and hesitantly unbuttoned his night shirt, almost afraid to look down.

He did eventually though, and what he saw made him swallow hard and caused his heart to skip a beat.

The scar on his stomach wasn't bleeding, but it was certainly rather red, and this caused Edmund to stagger back a few steps before he hit the wall, his heart pounding.

It had started.


Edmund swallowed hard at the voice, and slowly stood up straight again.

"Edmund answer me." Peter said. "Unlock this door."

Edmund hurried across the room and unlocked the door, opening it and coming face to face with a rather worried looking Peter. "Peter, I'm not going to disappear." He sighed as he walked back into the room and began searching for some clothes.

"Sorry." Peter mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess I worry too much, don't I?"

Edmund smirked playfully. "Perhaps a little." He answered.

"Sorry again." Peter sighed, before taking a deep breath. "anyway." He said. "Get dressed and we can go and get some breakfast."

Edmund nodded and hurried to get changed, lastly grabbing his crown from his desk before following his brother from the room.

Peter hadn't been joking about the guards it would seem, because everywhere Edmund looked there was either a faun or a centaur or some other creature stood against the wall, either on groups of two talking, or quite literally scanning the corridor for any signs of the witch or her followers.

Edmund felt slightly uncomfortable as they walked. All this for me when I'm going to die anyway? He couldn't help but think these thoughts, but he tried to shake them away, he couldn't say it helped much though.

After a long while and many hellos to the guards, Peter and Edmund finally reached the dining room, only to find Susan sat in her usual seat.

"How many guards have you assigned?" Was the first thing she asked.

Peter sighed as he sat down, moving his chair just a little closer to Edmund's and hoping he wouldn't notice, but of course he did. "I only doubled them." He said. "I'm not taking any risks Susan."

"I can see that." Susan replied, but she did look rather sympathetic, because she knew how much Peter was worrying right now.

"Where's Lucy?" Peter asked suddenly.

"Don't panick Peter." Susan sighed. "She said she was gonna get changed and then she'd join us, and trust me, nothings gonna happen to her with this amount of guards wondering the castle."

Just as Susan had finished her sentence, Lucy wondered into the room, finishing tying her hair into a plait as she sat down. "Good morning." She said happily.

Peter smiled slightly. "Morning." He replied.

"We doing anything today?" Lucy asked, glancing at Peter.

"I've got a meeting at 1." He said. "We need to decide what we're gonna do about Jadis."

"I'll help you." Edmund said quickly, wanting anything to take his mind off what the witch had told him when he was with her.

"Are you sure?" Peter questioned. "You're not too tired?"

Edmund rolled his eyes and managed to hide a wince when his scar twinged, before shaking his head. "I'm perfectly fine." He said. "Anyway, I'll only be sitting around doing nothing if I dont come, and I didn't think you wanted me out of your sight?"

"I also don't want you exhausting yourself." Peter said. "I was gonna tell you to stay with Susan whilst I went, but if you really want to come, I won't stop you."

Edmund nodded. "Thanks." He said quietly.

Peter gave him a small smile and a nod in reply, before turning back to his breakfast.


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