36: In the witches castle

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Edmund winced slightly when the cell doors slammed open, the witch hurrying in with a smirk on her face.

Edmund didn't even bother to move from where he was laying on his stomach on the floor, his arm laying out beside him and his head resting on his other arm... he was too weak to even think about moving.

But Jadis obviously didn't like this and grabbed Edmund by his shoulder, yanking him into a sitting position and leaning him against the wall, earning a surprised, pain filled cry from him, which only caused her to laugh. "Your pain is far from over Edmund." She said, her voice quiet and soft, but it caused Edmund to shiver none the less.

He flinched when the witch brought out a knife and placed the tip against his chest, his heart picking up speed as he tried to stay calm.

Even though he wanted to do something, wanted to beg her not to, he didn't think he had any strength left in him to do so.

So when the witch dug the dagger into his skin and started dragging it down his chest, all he could do was cry out in pain.

His eyes squeezed shut and his mouth opened, tears rolling steadily down his cheeks as he sobbed.

The knife was going no where near deep enough to kill him, but it was deep enough for Edmund. "Just - just kill me now." He choked, collapsing back against the wall when the witch removed the dagger.

The witch laughed at what he'd said, and slowly shook her head. "We both know I'm not going to do that." She whispered, before hitting the back of Edmund's head with the dagger, knocking him out cold.

When Edmund eventually came around, he noticed almost immediately that he was now stood, his arms stretched above his head and secured tightly by chains, with a sigh he slumped forward, already hearing the witch circling him, and he knew, he already knew, that he was not going to enjoy this.

- That evening -

Peter swallowed hard as he stood there staring across at the witches castle, his heart pounding in his chest.

He was scared... scared that he wouldn't be able to rescue his brother, scared that the second Jadis saw him, she'd slit Edmund's throat... for good this time.

Taking a deep breath, Peter took a step towards the castle, and continued walking until he reached the huge archway.

He decided to wait until it was dark, before he unsheathed his sword and entered the courtyard.

He walked slowly and quietly, his heart pounding in his chest as he did. He would only have one shot at this and he had to get it right, he had to save his brother.

Reaching the staircase, he glanced around a little, unsure whether he should go up, after all he had no idea where Edmund was.

As he began climbing, he told himself that he was probably being held in the dungeons, but the only thing was... Peter had no idea where the dungeons were.

Sighing a little Peter continued climbing the stairs, trying his hardest not to slip on the icy floor... he'd just have to find the dungoens himself.

So for the next half hour, he wandered around the castle, coming to dead ends, or empty room, or rooms that the doors were locked... but he couldn't find the dungoens.

He reached probably the seventh dead end, and turned around to head in a different direction... before an ear piercing scream reached his ears.

Peter nearly fainted on the spot, and had to reach out to grip the wall to stop himself from collapsing... that scream, it was Edmund.

There was complete and utter silence for perhaps only ten seconds, before another scream reached his ears, this one more hoarse and panicked.

Peter took off running, following the sound of the now continuous screaming until, ahead of him, he spotted two iron doors, wide open, and that was where the screaming was coming from.

Being as quiet as he could and trying to block out his brothers screams, he crept up to the doors and peeked around into what he now knew was the dungoens, just as the screaming stopped... and what he saw caused his heart to break.

The witch was stood in the middle of the room, her back to the door and an ice coloured whip held tightly in her hand.

But looking passed her Peter spotted his brother, his arms stretched above his head as he practically dangled from the chains, clearly having no strength to hold himself up... and it was no wonder he had no strength.

Looking closer Peter saw the bruises and cuts on Edmund's face, the deep cut going across his chest, not to mention the whip lashes that covered his stomach, and obviously his back too.

Glancing up a little, Peter noticed the gashes on Edmund's arms, dripping blood, as well as his bleeding wrists, from where the chains were digging into his skin.

It was obvious that there were more injuries he couldn't see, not to mention how utterly exhausted and half starved he looked, but what definitely worried him though was Edmunds arm, which he knew from first glance was well and truly broken, and Peter couldn't help but feel sick seeing that his little brothers broken arm was being stretched above his head and pulled as high as it could go... it must've been causing him agony.

Peter was brought back from his thoughts when Edmund let out a pain filled moan, which was followed by a laugh from the witch. "Been in this position too long have you?" She mocked, luckily staying where she was and not turning so that she could see Peter. "Is it all too much for you? Being stood like this, chained to the ceiling all day?"

Peter saw red.

Edmund had been like that all day?! Just the very thought of that made Peter feel like he was going to throw up.

Edmund let out another moan, catching Peter's attention, before his eyes went wide and his breathing stopped. After a couple minutes, in which Peter didn't dare to step in just yet, Edmund slumped even further forward, his legs giving way and collapsing from under him.

He stayed there, dangling from the chains. His eyes were closed, his mouth slightly open, blood dripping over his lips, and Peter could very well picture the smirk on the witches face.

When Edmund didn't move for a very long time, Peter feared the worst, and did the only thing he could think of.

Wasting no time at all, Peter ran forward, and before the witch could even hear him coming, he brought his sword forward and shoved it through Jadis' back.


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