6: More than any crown

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"No." Edmund choked, shaking his head back and forth. "You're dead."

Jadis smirked. "Not anymore I'm not." She said. "Not anymore thanks to your brother."

Despite everything, Edmund couldn't help but frown at this. "What do you mean?" He whispered, barely able to even hear his own voice.

The witch smiled. "To come back to life, all I needed was a drop of Adam's blood and my wand." She said. "I guess my followers got to the dagger before you did, the dagger which was covered in your brother's blood."

Edmund took a deep breath, by this point feeling really quite sick. They'd used Peter's blood to bring her back?

"My wand was retrieved from Beruna, and after collecting the blood we needed and leaving the dagger so as not to raise suspicion, that was all that was needed." Jadis finished, looking amused at the shade of green Edmund had suddenly turned.

"But - But the wand is at Cair." Edmund whispered, trying to get his voice to stop shaking, although without much success.

"I know." Jadis said, and she didn't sound very happy anymore. "It was stolen from my followers not long after I was brought back, and somehow found it's way to you, with a warning to not let it fall into the wrong hands."

Edmund's heart skipped a beat. "Meaning you." He whispered, his voice choked.

"You're catching on quickly." Jadis said with a nod. "Yes meaning me, but now that I have you, I have the perfect trade."

Edmund swallowed hard. "Trade?" He murmered, but he was scared that he already knew what she meant.

"You see, I need that wand, for reasons you'll find out eventually." The witch explained. "I've sent a letter to your siblings, explaining where you are and what will happen to you if they don't hand over the wand."

"They - They won't give it to you." Edmund choked... but he only wished he believed himself.

"Don't even trying telling yourself that." Jadis laughed. "You and I both know that Peter would do anything to keep you safe... he went to get the apple didn't he?"

Edmund frowned. "How-"

"How do I know that?" The witch cut him off, sounding amused. "My followers have filled me in on everything that has happened since Beruna, so I know Peter went to get the apple, and I know that because he did, he was poisoned, and I know because he was poisoned, you killed yourself to save him... only for Aslan to bring you back to life not long after, although the two of us know you did not deserve to be brought back."

Edmund lowered his stare to the floor, tears stinging his eyes, because deep down he thought she was right, although he was sure his siblings would say otherwise.

"We both know they'll hand over the wand." The witch continued. "Because they value your life... though goodness knows why."

Edmund felt like crying, but he wasn't going to give Jadis that satisfaction, so he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before staring back up at her, taking a deep breath as he did.

"I've given them instructions to meet us at the river at noon two days from now." The witch said, smirking. "Or I'll kill you."


"How - How is this even possible!" Susan exclaimed, eyes wide in disbelief. "How is she alive!"

"I don't know." Peter replied, gripping the note from Jadis tightly in his hand. "All I know is she's got Edmund and she will kill him if we don't give her that bloody wand!"

"We were told not to let it fall into the wrong hands." Lucy mumbled.

"Do you really think that meant Jadis?" Susan said slowly.

"It must've." Lucy whispered from where she sat on a chair, swinging her legs back and forth.

"I don't care." Peter snapped. "I'm giving her that wand, I won't lose my brother again."

"Peter please just think about this for a minute." Susan said quickly. "Perhaps there's another way to get him back."

"If you mean rescuing him we might as well forget about it." Peter replied. "If Jadis really wants her wand, then we have absolutely no chance of rescuing him, not even if we took a whole bloody army with us."

Susan sighed. "You need to calm down Peter." She said gently. "Calm down and think this over, because Aslan knows what she could do with that wand."

"But she'll kill Edmund if she doesn't get it." Peter said. "And we all know she will, no doubt about it. I'm sorry but even if she's a threat to Narnia with the wand, I'm still giving it to her, because Edmund means more to me than any crown or country or kingdom."

Susan stared at him for a moment or two before nodding her head. "Where and when do we have to meet her?" She asked.

"Oh no." Peter said quickly, almost laughing. "You and Lucy aren't going anywhere near that witch, I am going alone, and that's final so don't even attempt arguing with me."

Susan sighed sadly but knew Peter had meant what he said, so she nodded slowly. "Alright." She mumbled. "But just be careful."

Peter took a deep breath. "The only thing is," He said slowly. "We've still gotta wait two days."

"You reckon she'll hurt him in the meantime?" Lucy asked, sounding so worried it broke both Peter and Susan's hearts.

"I have no idea." Peter choked. "But I wouldn't be surprise, after all, Edmund was the one who broke her wand, and that did not go down too well with her."

"Peter." Susan said gently when Peter winced. "Don't think about it."

Peter sighed. "It's hard not to." He whispered. "I - I can still hear him trying to breathe, I can hear it Su, and it hurts."

Susan sighed sadly and pulled Peter into a tight hug. "Everything's going to be alright Peter." She whispered into her ear, holding out her other arm for Lucy, who quickly joined them and buried her face against Peter's chest. "We'll get Edmund back... and then figure out a way to get rid of the witch, and for good this time."


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