26: Forgive me

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Edmund shook his head. "Please." He choked, tears streaming down his cheeks at an alarming speed.

Peter frowned, before his face fell. "Orious was right." He murmured. "You are hiding something."

Edmund swallowed hard and shook his head again. "No." He choked. "No. I'm not."

"Then explain to me why I had to get Lucy in here with her cordial to heal you?!" Peter exclaimed, eyes slightly wider than usual.

"Peter." Edmund sobbed. "Please-"

"Tell me now Edmund." Peter muttered, his grip on Edmund's shoulders getting tighter.

"No." Edmund choked, feeling extremely dizzy by this point, the pain just getting worse and worse. "No, please."

"Edmund what on earth is wrong?!" Peter choked. "I cant help you if you don't tell me!"

Edmund tried to pull from Peter's grip and stand from the bed, but he only got as far as kicking the blankets off before Peter stopped him. "Let me go." Edmund choked.

"Tell me what's going on." Peter said slowly, voice shaking.

"Nothing!" Edmund cried, before his sobs got worse. "Please."

"What Edmund?!" Peter practically shouted.

Edmund swallowed hard, his heart pounding.

It was going to happen. 

It was going to happen today.


By night time, he would be dead.

"Let me go!" Edmund sobbed, finally managing to yank from Peter's grip and stand, backing away towards the door.

"Ed come here right now." Peter snapped. "Do not leave this room."

Edmund shook his head and continued backing towards the door, Peter standing but not daring to come any closer.

Edmund took another step back, grabbing his tunic from the back of a nearby chair and quickly throwing it on, all the while keeping a close eye on Peter, who was slowly making his way forward. "No!" Edmund choked. "Don't."

Peter stopped dead when Edmund grabbed his dagger. "Ed put that down." He choked, heart pounding.

"Don't follow me." Edmund sobbed. "Or I will do it."

"Ed please." Peter begged, any anger he'd felt disappearing and being replaced with pure and utter worry. "Just put that down and we can talk."

Edmund immediately shook his head. "I - I can't." He whispered, voice cracking as he placed the tip of the dagger to his chest. "For your sake as well as mine."

"What an earth is that supposed to me?!" Peter cried, nothing but panick in his voice.

Edmund shook his head. "Just don't follow me." He whispered. "Please. Leave me alone! Or I will do it! I will!"

"Eddy please." Peter choked, tears now rolling down his cheeks. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Edmund yelled, doubling over at the sudden pain shouting brought on.

Peter immediately went to run forward to help him, but stopped when Edmund spoke. "Don't come any closer!" He choked, voice full of pain. "I will do it!"

Peter swallowed hard and stopped again. "Ed please." He whispered. "Let's talk about this, what's going on? I can help you if you tell me."

"No, you cant help me." Edmund sobbed. "But I can help you. Just don't follow me! I mean it Peter! I won't let you die!"

Peter froze. "What?" He choked, voice barely above a whisper.

Edmund took deep breaths. He'd said too much. Looking down at the ground he swallowed hard, he had to get out of there, before he either said anything else, or Peter started asking questions.

But the next thing he knew he was tackled to the ground, and screamed in pain when he hit the floor.

"I'm so sorry Ed." Peter whispered in his ear, all the while trying to pry the dagger from Edmund's hands, but Edmund just wouldn't let him.

Kicking and screaming in pain, Edmund tried to pull from Peter's grip, but it was firm and there was no way he'd be able to escape. But he had to!

He was supposed to be alone when this happened, so there was no chance of Lucy healing him. But if that happened and he didn't die like the witch wanted, then his siblings would die.

"Peter." Edmund sobbed suddenly. "I'm so sorry about this, but it will save your life."

Peter looked confused for a moment, and went dead still for just a second, but that was enough.

Rolling over in Peter's arms, Edmund pulled from his brothers grip and yanked his hand from Peter's.

Letting out a sob, he hit the back of Peter's head with the dagger handle, feeling Peter immediately go completely limp, eyes closing.

Sobbing uncontrollably now, Edmund unwound Peter's arms from around him and quickly pressed his fingers to his older brothers neck.

"Thank Aslan." He murmured, knowing that he'd only knocked him out... and not worse. "I - I really am sorry Peter. But I won't let you find out about this, I won't let her have any reason to kill you."

He hesitated only slightly, before forcing himself to his feet.

Grabbing his cloak, he flung it around his shoulders, taking a deep breath and dropping the dagger.

He couldn't help but stare at Peter for a moment. He was laying on the floor on his back, eyes closed, breathing steady and mouth partly open, a small gash on the back of his head, but it wasn't deep enough to worry Edmund, he knew he'd be alright, anyway, anything was better than him being dead.

"Aslan forgive me." He choked, before falling to his knees beside his still unconscious brother, placing a quick kiss to his forehead. "I really am sorry." He whispered. "I hope you can forgive me too."

And with that he stood, taking a few uneasy steps towards the door, before grabbing the handle and stepping out into the corridor.

The beach. He had to get to the beach.

And with that, he ran. Tears streaming down his cheeks.


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