7: Wide awake

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Edmund sighed as he leant back against the wall of his cell, wide awake despite it being the middle of the night. He'd been with the witch for a whole day, and he was shocked that she hadn't come down to the cell once since the first time. After everything that had happened the first time, Edmund was almost sure that she would've wanted some sort of revenge, and he was shocked that he'd been left alone, shocked yes... but so, so relieved.

Although, after a while he wasn't sure if he'd actually prefer some company, even if it was hers. Being alone, cold, tired, hungry and bored really wasn't a good mix, and he didn't know if he'd be able to cope with another day and another night of it, but after a moment he realised that she still had a good amount of time if she wished to hurt him.

If he was honest with himself, he was still trying to wrap his head around everything that was happening, and the fact that the white witch was back from the dead. After Beruna, he'd thought he'd never have to see her again, and after he'd been healed from the poison, he though he was free of her forever... but how wrong he'd been, because now he was sat, chained up in her dungeons, slowly freezing... again. 

But at least this time, he told himself, he knew his siblings were worried, he knew they wanted him back. unlike last time when all he could do was hope, and even that hope had disappeared after a while. But this time he had more than hope, and he knew he'd be back home with his siblings very soon.

Just like Edmund, back at Cair Peter was wide awake, but unlike Edmund, he had a nice, warm, comfortable bed to sleep in... and Peter couldn't stop thinking about this.

He knew Edmund was in the witches castle, having read it in the letter, and he just couldn't stop thinking about how cold, scared, alone and hungry he must be, and these thoughts were keeping him awake, and they were also keeping Lucy awake it would seem, for after a moment she quietly slipped through the door and climbed into Peter's bed, cuddling up against him but not saying anything.

Peter decided not to break the silence and just wrapped his arm around his little sister, placing a kiss to the top of her head as a silent promise, a promise that everything was, in the end, going to turn out fine.

Even with Lucy there Peter was unable to fall asleep, and before he knew it, it was starting to get light. Glancing across at the clock he saw that it was half past six, and sighed at having stayed awake all night... even Lucy had managed to drop off at some point, but Peter just couldn't.

Sighing a little, Peter carefully untangled himself from Lucy and slipped out of bed, grabbing his dressing gown before walking out onto the balcony, leaning against the railing and just watching the woods to his left, and the small part of the ocean he could see to his right.

He didn't know how long he stood there, but eventually Susan joined him, leaning against the railing beside him and placing one hand on his arm. "You didn't sleep did you." She sighed, noticing how tired he looked.

Peter swallowed thickly and shook his head. "I couldn't." He replied. "No matter how much a tried, I just couldn't fall asleep, not with the thoughts in my head."

"I understand." Susan mumbled. "Even I didn't get that much sleep. But there's no point in exhausting yourself."

Peter nodded in reply but didn't say anything, only stood staring at the now rising sun.

"Come on." Susan said after a good ten minutes. "Let's wake Lucy and then go and have some breakfast."

Peter sighed but silently agreed, and before he knew it he was sat at the table, pushing his food around his plate.

"Peter please eat something." Susan mumbled sadly.

Peter glanced up at her. "I can't." He whispered. "I feel sick."

Susan swallowed hard. "You need to stop thinking about what ifs." She said. "I know what you're imagining in you head right now, and you have to stop. Edmund's gonna be back with us tomorrow, and then everything is going to be fine."

Peter stared at her. "It's hard to not think about what could be happening to him." He said perhaps a little too firmly. "I wouldn't want anything more than for these thoughts to disappear, but they won't, no matter how hard I try and make them."

"Please Peter," Susan sighed. "You worrying like this isn't going to help anyone."

Peter glared at her. "You have no idea what she did to him the first time." He snapped. "She tortured him, I know what she did, I know. And for all I know, she's doing it again right now. He could be in agony right now, and we're sat here in luxury, and I'm sorry if I can't stop thinking about that, and I'm sorry if I can't stop worrying." And with that he stood from his seat and marched from the room.

He walked all the way through the castle and back up to his and Edmund's room, where once there he collapsed onto his bed and finally let the tears fall, he just didn't care anymore, didn't care about anything except his brother.

The thoughts that had been filling his head ever since he found the letter were not exactly pleasant, and no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't get rid of them, and by this point he was feeling really rather sick.

"Oh Eddy." He whispered, almost unaware that he was talking out loud. "Please be alright. You have to be alright, you have to."

And with that said, he rolled onto his stomach, buried his face against the pillows and cried.


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