24: Nightmares

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Edmund had to force back a scream when Lucy hugged him goodnight, biting down hard on his lip and hoping Peter and Susan wouldn't see the look of pain on his face.

Luckily for him they were talking amongst themselves, and didn't see the obvious agony in their brothers eyes, and after a while Edmund forced himself to hug Lucy back, placing a kiss to the top of her head. "Goodnight Lu." He whispered when she eventually pulled away.

"Night." She said happily, a smile spread across her face before she skipped off, Susan (after saying goodnight) following quickly after her.

"Come on Ed." Peter murmured. "You look like you're about to fall asleep standing up."

Edmund chuckled and shook his head even as he followed Peter up to their room. "I'm completely fine Peter." He sighed, just as his scar twinged painfully.

Peter raised an eyebrow at him, a slightly worried look on his face. "You won't be fine until the witch is dead." He said as he opened the bedroom door. "I know how all this is making you feel Ed, and I promise we will defeat her... for good this time."

Edmund nodded slowly, taking a deep breath as he walked over and sat on the edge of his bed. "I know you will."

Peter gave him a small smile and a nod, before sitting beside him and pulling him into a gentle hug.


Peter sighed a little as he walked up to his and his brothers room, rubbing at his eyes and trying to figure out why an earth the witch was just doing nothing.

But unfortunately he could come up with no explanation, and sighed in annoyance as he reached his room, reaching out toward the door handle.

Opening the door he stepped inside, only to completely freeze at what he saw.

Edmund was stood in the middle of the room, tears in his eyes and a dagger held to his chest... and he was holding the dagger.

"Edmund!" Peter cried, his voice cracking as he made a run for his brother, wanting to do nothing more than get the dagger from his hands before he did what it was obvious he was going to do.

But as he finally reached his brother and tackled them both to the floor, he heard the horrifying sound of metal going through flesh, followed by his brothers gasp.

Peter didn't dare move... that is until Edmund began to choke.

Sitting up so fast anyone would've thought he'd been burned, he lay his brother on his back on the floor, and let out a sob at what he saw.

The dagger was buried to the hilt in Edmund's chest, blood already soaking his tunic at an alarming speed.

"E - Ed?" He whispered, reaching out to place his hand against the side of Edmund's face.

Edmund choked slightly on the blood in his mouth, before swallowing hard and opening his mouth. "I - I love you P - Pete." He choked. "And I'm - I'm sorry."

Peter's heart pounded as Edmund's eyes slowly closed and as his head fell limp against his shoulder, his breathing stopping as he went completely and utterly slack.

"Ed?" Peter whispered, hands shaking. "Edmund!" He cried, giving his brother a rough shake, but it was no use, Edmund didn't move... he was dead.

"Edmund!" Peter sobbed, tears streaming down his cheeks as he screamed, over and over again until his throat was raw and he had no more strength to do anything.

"Edmund." He choked. "No, no. I'm sorry."

Peters eyes snapped open a second later, and he found himself gasping for air and hastily searching for his brother.

He relaxed a little when he saw Edmund laying in the bed on his side beside him, one arm wrapped around his stomach and the other underneath his head, a peaceful expression on his face. But if Peter had known that he'd only fallen asleep half an hour ago, he probably would've been rather worried.

The dream still too vivid in his mind to ignore, he reached over and pressed his fingers to Edmund's neck, waiting and hoping to feel his brothers pulse, and when he did he sighed in relief.

Edmund was alive. It was only a dream.

Sighing slowly he leant back against the headboard, keeping one hand on Edmund's shoulder and just listening to his brothers deep breathing, tears stinging his eyes which he eventually let fall.

Unable to handle it any longer, he extremely careful reached over and wrapped Edmund in his arms, pulling him close against his chest.

Edmund let out a quiet whimper in his sleep, his eyes squeezing shut as he took a deep breath.

"Shh." Peter murmured. "It's alright, it's only me, its okay."

A second later Edmund relaxed against his brother, burying his face against Peter's neck before falling silent again.

Peter sighed a little and began running his hand up and down the back of Edmund's neck, placing a kiss to the top of his head before resting his head back against the headboard, trying his hardest to forget the dream that he'd just had, but he just couldn't.

All he could hear was his brother choking, all he could see when he closed his eyes was the dagger buried in his chest and all he could feel on his hands was his brothers blood, and it made him feel sick.

His arms tightening around his brother he glanced at the small clock in the room, sighing when he saw it was only half past three, but he knew he wouldn't be doing anymore sleeping tonight, not after a nightmare like that.

So with a sigh, he relaxed as much as he could, his arms tightening around his brother, and there he sat until the morning, quiet content with Edmund laying curled up in his arms.


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