13: I love you

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"Edmund wake up!" Peter choked, shaking his brother as hard as he dared as he tried to get him to wake.

He was trapped in a nightmare, and a bad one at that, he kept crying out, tears rolling slowly down his cheeks and gripping Peter's arm so tightly he was all but cutting off the circulation.

"Ed please wake up." Peter murmered, before sighing. "Edmund!" He shouted, right in his brotehrs face.

The second he did, Edmund's eyes snapped open and he let out a loud gasp, sitting up in bed and hardly even noticing the sob that escaped him.

"Thank Aslan." Peter whispered, pulling Edmund carefully against his chest. "It's okay. It was only a dream. You're safe."

Edmund swallowed hard, before eventually managing to calm himself down enough to relax against Peter. "Pete." He choked, burying his face against his older brothers neck.

"I'm here." Peter said with a nod, running one hand down the back of his brothers neck. "I'm right here, you're alright. You're safe."

Edmund sighed and nodded his head slightly, he knew that wasn't true but there was no way he was going to say anything, not with Jadis' threat... and he knew she'd go ahead with it if he told.

"What - How long have I been asleep?" Edmund asked after a moment.

"Only a couple of hours, it's only 9 o'clock now." Peter sighed, and he didn't sound too pleased. "But Susan and Lucy should be up with a late dinner soon. Lucy's been baking you cookies, and apparently there's a lot of them."

Edmund couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle. "Good." He breathed. "I do love Lucy's cookies."

"We all do I think." Peter said with a grin, before placing a kiss to the top of Edmund's head. "You alright now?" He asked slowly.

Edmund sighed. "I'm okay." He whispered.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

Edmund hesitated before shaking his head. "Not really." He mumbled.

"That's alright. That's totally fine." Peter said reassuringly. "I would never force you to talk, don't worry."

Edmund smiled gratefully. "Thank you." He whispered.

Peter nodded a little before taking a deep breath. "How - how did you end up in the witches castle Ed?" He asked slowly, voice quiet.

Edmund froze for a moment before sighing. "The night it happened, I - I went to bed at around midnight and, as you know, stayed up reading a book I found in the library-"

"I'm gonna have to start dragging you from the library soon." Peter teased.

Edmund grinned slightly before continuing. "I woke up perhaps a few hours later." He said. "I had a pounding headache, I couldn't even think straight. I tried calling to you, but the headache was so bad I couldn't even talk. But it soon stopped, so abruptly it actually shocked me. I sat up and then saw a cloaked figure stood at the end of my bed, with a knife and a small bottle. I soon found out that it was a hag. The next thing I knew, I was laying on the floor in Jadis' dungeons."

Peter swallowed hard and tightened his grip around his brother. "It's all over." He said gently. "You're safe now."

"But - But she's still out there." Edmund mumbled.

"And we're going to get rid of her Ed." Peter said. "Even if it takes us a while, she will die, I promise."

She'll die, and I will too

Edmund took a deep breath and buried his face further against Peter's neck, forcing back his tears and the sobs that threatened to escape him. "I love you Peter." He choked. "I love you so, so much."

Peter frowned at this, but didn't have any time to question it or reply before the door opened and Susan poked her head around the door. "Oh you are awake." She said with a smile, before entering the room carrying a plate of what looked like pasta.

Lucy followed behind, a cheery smile on her face and a plate piled high with cookies in her hands.

"We thought we'd wait a while, let you sleep." Susan said as she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. "But we made you some dinner, and Lucy made cookies."

Edmund pulled away from Peter and managed a small smile for his sisters. "Thank you." He whispered, taking the plate when Susan handed it to him.

"Do you want me to dish you up a plate Peter?" Susan questioned, a small frown on her face.

Peter shook his head. "I'm alright." He said.

Susa didn't look too pleased. "You haven't eaten since breakfast." She said firmly. "I'll go and get you some food."

Peter didn't protest as Susan stood and left the room, muttering something under her breath as she went.

"Eat Ed." Peter said as he turned back to his brother, who was just staring at the food. "You need it."

Edmund nodded slowly and hesitantly began eating, but within ten minutes the food was gone and Lucy almost immediately handed him a cookie, just as Susan returned.

She handed a plate to Peter and gave him a firm look which clearly meant "eat all of it" before sitting down on the edge of the bed beside Lucy.

Peter slowly began eating, but hardly ever took his eyes off of his brother, who was currently laughing slightly at the hopefully look on Lucy's face. "They're delicious Lu." He chuckled.

Lucy's face lit up as she beamed, before flinging herself into Edmund's arms.

Edmund took a deep breath and instantly hugged her back, running a hand gently through her hair.


Edmund looked up when Peter spoke, and it was only then that he realised tears had filled his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked, concern in his voice.

Edmund hesitated for a little before slowly nodding his head. "Yeah." He mumbled, glancing down at Lucy and placing a kiss to her forehead. "I just missed you all. I'm glad to be back."

For however short of a time it may be


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