8: It's connected to you

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Edmund's head snapped up when the doors to the cell swung open, taking a deep breath when Jadis marched into the room, something of a smirk on her face.

It was now around noon the next day, but Edmund hadn't slept at all since yesterday when he was brought here, and to say he was tired would be an understatement... but he just couldn't fall asleep, no matter how hard he tried.

Jadis walked over to stand in front of him, just staring at him for a long while which made Edmund more scared than he already was, but eventually she spoke. "I said yesterday you'd find out why I needed the wand soon." She said. "I think it's about time you found out."

Edmund took a deep breath, unsure if he wanted to actually hear this or not, but it was clear that he wasn't going to have a choice.

"You see," Jadis began. "I am well aware that the wand is broken, but I have found a way to restore it."

Edmund's heart skipped a beat and his mouth opened slowly, his breath misting in front of him.

"And once it's restored I can set about turning every narnian into stone, just the way it should be." Jadis said fiercely. "Oh, and when it's fully reformed, you'll be dead."

Edmund stopped breathing. Dead? "W - what?" He choked.

"You listen to me and listen to me closely." The Witch said quietly, kneeling down in front of Edmund, who backed away slightly in fear. "Here's what's going to happen when you go back to your family. My wand is going to take a while to reform, but for every part that let's say returns, that scar of yours, will reopen slightly, you see, you broke the wand, and then was stabbed by it, its connected to you, and needs your life to reform."

Edmund took a deep breath, knowing exactly what scar she meant.

"And once the wand is fully repaired, the wound will open itself all the way, and you will die." Jadis said, smirking at the fear on Edmund's face.

"They - they'll heal me." Edmund suddenly choked, remembering Lucy's cordial.

Jadis laughed. "Here's the fun bit." She grinned. "You cannot let anyone know what's happening. You will suffer in silence, no matter how much it bleeds, no matter how much pain it causes, you will tell no one and let no one find out. And when the time comes, and you'll know the day you will die, trust me you'll know, you will head down and hide yourself in the caves lining the beach, where no one will find you, and patiently wait for the wound to open, where you will slowly bleed to death because no one will find you."

Edmund's heart was pounding. "Or - or what?" He choked, his voice shaking.

Jadis smirked. "Or your siblings will be the first to be turned into stone." She practically whispered. "First Lucy, frozen forever, and then your other sister, Susan, just like Lucy frozen, unable to move, or see, or hear or even breathe. And then, and then Peter. I'll turn him into stone, and then completely smash him-"

"No!" Edmund cried quickly, forgetting his previous fear. "No, please don't."

"Then you will not reveal to anyone what is happening." Jadis said simply, a look of triumph in her eyes.

Edmund took a deep breath. "I won't." He whispered. "Just please, don't hurt my family."

"As long as you don't tell." The witch laughed. "And once you're gone, the prophecy will be unfulfilled, and I'll have my wand back, free to turn any Narnian I want into stone and take over Narnia again."

Edmund's eyes filled you teare. "You can't." He choked, shaking his head.

"Oh but I can." The witch laughed. "And I will."

Edmund swallowed hard before he all of a sudden found himself glaring at her, and this earned a slap across the face from Jadis.

Edmund squeezed his eyes shut and placed his hand flat against his cheek, taking a deep breath and trying to force back the tears, despite the amount of pain he was now currently in.

"Look at me like that again and you won't like what follows." She snapped, before standing and slowly leaving the cell.

Edmund swallowed hard and licked his lip, sighing when he tasted blood and already knowing it had split, he only hoped that was the only pain he was going to receive whilst he was here... but even he knew that was a long shot.



Peter looked up from where he'd been sat in the middle of his bed, just staring at the bed sheets and trying to stop his tears from falling. When he saw Susan though he frowned slightly. "Yeah?"

"I just came to tell you that you should come and have some dinner and get an early night." Susan told him gently, walking over and sitting beside him. "You're going to have to leave pretty early tomorrow if you wanna get to the river in time."

Peter nodded slowly. "Yeah." He breathed. "Do you reckon Edmund would mind if I took Philip with me? It's just, I know how worried he is too."

Susan smiled. "Of course he won't mind." She replied. "I'll ask someone to let him know."

"Ask him, don't force him." Peter said quickly. "He doesn't have to come if he doesn't want to."

"I doubt you have to worry about that." Susan chuckled, before falling silent.

"What is it?" Peter asked, a small frown on his face when Susan's smile disappeared.

"Do - do you ever think that this could just be one sick joke?" She mumbled.

"What do you mean?"

"I just find it hard to believe that the White Witch is back from the dead." Susan sighed.

Peter nodded slowly. "I do too." He mumbled. "But I know it's true, I know Edmund's been kidnapped by her, not by someone else. I just have a feeling."

Susan nodded. "Same." She mumbled, before sighing. "Come on, have some dinner... you need it."

Peter didn't argue with her, because he knew she was right. So he just followed her quietly from the room and down to the dining room.


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