21: For Lucy, for Susan, and for Peter

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"She's doing nothing?" Peter asked, shocked.

The bird shook his head. "We heard nothing of any upcoming plans." He replied. "All she sort of did was wonder through her castle."

"Did you see anyone else there?" Peter said.

The bird nodded. "A few." He answered. "But no more than twenty, I bet they were the followers that brought her back."

Peter stared at the bird for a moment before sighing and glancing up at Orious. "I refuse to believe that she's just going to sit there and do absolutely nothing." He said. "She has to be hiding something."

"I agree." Orious said thoughtfully.

"Did you hear anything about her sending a hag here to kill my brother?" Peter asked the bird.

"I'm afraid not." The bird replied simply.

Peter sighed and ran a hand over his face, taking a deep breath. "She's up to something." He breathed.

"Sir?" Orious asked, sounding a little hesitant.

"Yes?" Peter wondered.

"Is it possible that, and please take no offence by this," Orious said hastily. "But might it be possible that there's something King Edmund isn't telling you?"

Peter frowned deeply. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, ever since he was returned to us, he's been rather... quiet." Orious explained. "Rather, withdrawn and tired. He was with the witch just days ago, perhaps he knows of a plan and has been threatened not to tell us?"

Peter thought about this for a moment. Edmund had been acting a little strange since they'd got him back, but he'd just put that down to him dealing with everything that was going on, he never thought for once that there was something Edmund was hiding.

"I'm just saying, because it seems strange that the second Jadis has the wand and King Edmund is returned to us, nothing happens."

Peter swallowed hard. "I'll talk to him." He breathed. "But if he really has been told not to tell, how an earth are we gonna get it out of him, he's as stubborn as they come."

"If he is hiding something, you have to tell him that it's important that he tells us." Orious mumbled. "For his sake as well as everyone elses."

Peter nodded. "I'll go up and talk to him now." He breathed. "Thank you."

And with that he turned and left the room.


Edmund closed his bedroom door quietly with a sigh, reaching up to remove his crown and place it on his desk before walking across the room and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Swallowing hard he wrapped his arms around his stomach and squeezed his eyes shut, the pain almost too much.

After a moment or two he slowly lifted up his tunic, swallowing hard at the red, swollen, bruised scar on his stomach. It wasn't bleeding at that moment though, for which he was grateful.

Lowering his tunic he lay across the bed on his back, staring up at the ceiling and placing one hand over the material that covered the scar, tears stinging his eyes.

Perhaps being alone actually wasn't the best thing, because now his mind got to thinking. Thinking about everything... about his death.

It was obvious that he was going to die, there was no way he couldn't, and whilst he had already sort of died before, this scared him more than he'd admit.

Last time he'd died, he'd been saving his brother, he'd sacrificed himself for Peter, but this time... well there was no reason for him to die except for Jadis' satisfaction.

Edmund scowled at the very thought, knowing how much his death would satisfy Jadis, or knowing the way he was going to die would satisfy her.

Alone, slowly and painfully.

Edmund swallowed hard, everyone including him would obviously much prefer a peaceful, quick death rather than a painful slow one... and this got Edmund to thinking.

Him dying in the way he was, was giving the witch no end of pleasure, but if he were to die quickly and painlessly, well of course Jadis would be happy, but she would also be mad, angry, that her plan didn't go to, well, plan.

And if he was honest with himself, he knew he was going to die, so why draw it out? It was hard to even walk around by this point, and if he was honest, he knew it was only a matter of time before Peter would start getting suspicious and start asking questions, and there was absolutely no way he was risking the lives of his siblings, no way.

And it was that thought, that caused him to come to a decision.

Sitting up slowly with his heart pounding he stood and walked across the room, grabbing his dagger with a sigh.

He was doing this for his siblings, because if they found out what was happening, then they would die, and he wasn't about to let that happen, not if he could do anything about it.

Unsheathing the dagger he took a deep breath and placed the tip against his chest, closing his eyes with a sigh.

For Lucy, for Susan and for Peter.

They were bound to find out what was going on sooner or later, and then they'd die for knowing. He was stupid to think he'd be able to hide something like this, and Jadis probably knew he wouldn't be able to hide it either. Which means she knows she will be able to kill all four of them, and the thought brought no end of anger to Edmund.

Still gripping the dagger in one hand, he walked over to his desk and grabbed a pencil and paper, quickly scribbling "I'm sorry." On a piece of paper, before returning to standing in the middle of the room.

His hands shaking, but telling himself that he'd done this before so he could do it again, he swallowed hard, staring down at the dagger pressed against his chest, before taking a deep breath.

He was just about to push, when the door opened, causing him to swing around and spot Peter stood in the doorway.

Peter went completely white at what he saw, and Edmund watched as his eyes went wide in complete, and utter horror.

Update especially for kingedmundpevensie

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