25: What's going on?

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Edmund groaned a little as he woke the next morning, at once feeling someone's arm wrapped around his waist, their hand pressed firmly against his stomach... against his scar.

Opening his eyes half way he spotted Peter, staring down at him with something of a worried look on his face, his grip only getting tighter when he saw that Edmund was awake.

Once Edmund's mind had registered that it was his brother, he quickly smiled at him, wiping the look of pain he was sure had been on his face off. "Morning." He murmured, still sounding half asleep.

Peter smiled gently, although Edmund could still see the worry in his eyes. "Hey." He whispered. "You alright?"

Edmund sighed. No, you're really hurting me. "Yeah I'm fine." He breathed, hesitantly trying to pull from Peter's arms, but Peter stopped him, his grip getting tighter which caused Edmund to wince, and frown. "Pete?" He said slowly, looking confused. "Are you alright?"

Peter stared at him for a second or two before sighing. "Sorry." He mumbled, finally letting Edmund go.

Edmund slowly sat up and turned to face him, the frown still spread across his face. "What's wrong?" He asked, pulling the blanket up and then pressing his hand to his scar, pushing down as hard as he could to try and dull the pain, but he couldn't say it really helped much.

Peter blinked at him. "It's nothing." He mumbled.

"Well it's obviously something." Edmund said, raising an eyebrow.

Peter sighed sadly. "I just had a dream alright?" He said. "It's nothing to worry about."

"What about?" Edmund asked quickly.

Peter said nothing and just stared at him, until Edmund's face fell. "Oh." He murmured. "I - I'm so sorry."

Peter shook his head. "It's not your fault." He breathed, before pulling back the blankets. "Stay here and do not go anywhere." He muttered as he stood from the bed and headed towards the bathroom. "I'll be two seconds."

Edmund nodded and gave him a reassuring smile, relaxing when he closed the door.

Squeezing his eyes shut he lay down and curled in on himself, pulling the blanket up over his head and taking deep breaths to ignore the pain, but he panicked slightly when he felt his hand go wet with blood.

He froze after a moment. How was he supposed to get to the bathroom without Peter notcing the huge red patch on his night shirt?! It wouldn't be easy at all.

But he was still gonna try.

Grabbing one of the thinner blankets folded at the end of the bed, he carefully swung his legs over the side of the bed, wrapping the blanket around himself, hoping it would be enough to hide the blood stain from his brother, who two seconds later exited the bathroom.

"You alright?" Peter asked suddenly, worried about the look on Edmund's face.

Edmund blinked at him before nodding. "Yeah I'm fine." He breathed, his voice shaking because of how much pain he was actually in.

Peter frowned, but before he could say anything, Edmund sighed. "I'll be back in a minute." He muttered.

Making sure the blanket was wrapped tightly around him, he hesitantly stood... but he wished he never did.

The second he was upright, the pain was suddenly so bad that he could not keep back a scream, and the next thing he knew he was on the floor, unable to breathe.

He hardly heard Peter's shocked cry of his name, and the last thing he heard was footsteps rushing towards him, before everything went black.

The next thing he knew, he woke to find himself laying in bed, the sun shining through the windows almost blinding.

Moving his arm up to lay across his face, he swallowed hard and took a deep breath.

When he heard the curtains being drawn, he removed his arm and glanced around, completely freezing when he saw that his shirt had been removed and there was now a bandage wrapped around his torso, slightly red in one place.

Glancing up when the bed dipped beside him, he came face to face with Peter, who looked... sad? Sad and worried.

"What - What happened?" Edmund choked, trying to hide the fact that anything was wrong.

"You passed out." Peter replied slowly. "You screamed, and then passed out."

Edmund swallowed hard. "Oh." He murmured, attempting to bring the blanket up to cover his stomach, only to be stopped by Peter. "Ed." He said slowly.

"I-" Edmund choked, but then stopped. What an earth was he supposed to say?!

"Ed," Peter sighed again. "Why did you scream? Why did you pass out? And why was your scar bleeding so badly I nearly had a heart attack?"

Peter voice was firm, so firm that Edmund flinched and licked his lips before talking. "How badly?" He asked hesitantly.

"Put it this way," Peter said. "The blood left a nasty stain on the carpet."

Edmund glanced at the floor, and saw Peter was right when he spotted a rather large red patch on the carpet.

"I had to get Lucy in here with her cordial." Peter added, causing Edmund's eyes to go wide.

Had it been that bad? "Peter I-" He swallowed hard, not knowing what to say.

Peter was frowning slightly now, a mix of confusion, worry and anger on his face. "What an earth is going on Edmund?" He muttered firmly.

Edmund winced when he scar twinged, before squeezing his eyes shut. "Please." He choked, shaking his head back and forth and allowing the tears to roll steadily down his cheeks.

Peter took a deep breath, reaching over and placing his hands on Edmund's shoulders. "Look at me." He said. "Edmund Pevensie look at me!"

Edmund's eyes snapped open, and he couldn't help but let out a sob... he couldn't find out, he just couldn't.

"What is going on?"

Gonna apologise to Amy for making her actually cry with my last chapter kingedmundpevensie 🥺🥺😂 I'm so sorry about this chapter too 😬😅

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