37: Lifeless

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Peter heard the witch gasp in agony as his sword went straight through her, and couldn't help but scowl slightly. "That's for everything you've done to my brother." He whispered in her ear. "And I promise you, you'll never get close enough to him to hurt him ever again."

And with that he pulled back his sword and Jadis collapsed to the ground, eyes closed, breathing nonexistent... she was dead.

Swallowing hard and sheathing his sword, Peter hurried over to his brother and immediately placed his hands under Edmund's arms, lifting him up to stand so he wasn't putting so much pressure on his broken arm.

Keeping Edmund upright with one arm, Peter quickly placed his fingers to his brothers neck, sighing in relief when he felt a pulse, slow..  but there.

Tears in his eyes, he glanced around for any sort of key or something to unlock the chains around Edmund's wrists, and soon spotted one on a hook secured to the wall, the only thing is, he'd have to let Edmund go to reach them.

Sighing sadly, Peter very slowly and carefully let his brother slump forward again, dangling from the chains and probably making his arm even worse. Which is why Peter wasted no time in grabbing the keys and unlocking the shackles.

He quickly caught Edmund before he could hit the ground, and gently lay him on the floor, immediately checking over his injuries.

Whip lashes covered both his back and his chest, as well as his stomach. The small cuts and bruises that covered his body made Peter flinch, not to mention the large gashes he had covering his arms, and Peter had no doubt they were made by a knife.

Taking a closer look, he swallowed hard at the dark black and yellow bruise on Edmund's cheek, as well as the scrapes and cuts covering it.

The scar on his stomach looked red and swollen, and it was then that Peter also noticed that Edmund had dropped weight, even though he'd only been with the witch for just over 24 hours.

Taking a deep breath, Peter carefully took hold of Edmund's arm and rested it across his chest, knowing that by this point it was going to take forever to heal, and of course they'd have to set the bones back into place.

Peter only wished he could do it now, whilst Edmund was unconscious, but he had no idea where to even start fixing a broken bone, and didn't even have a splint to secure it.

Swallowing hard and making sure the arm stayed across Edmund's chest, he removed his cloak and wrapped it around his brother, before slipping one arm under his knees and the other under his shoulders before gently lifting him into his arms, wincing when Edmund let out a quiet whimper and buried his face against his neck... but unfortunately didn't wake.

"It's okay Eddy." Peter whispered as he left the dungoens. "I promise you're gonna be alright. I'll get you back to Cair and the healers will take care of you, I promise."

Edmund didn't respond, which only caused Peter to sigh as he continued through the corridors, telling himself that he would, no matter what, get Edmund back alive.


Peter took a deep breath when he had no other choice but to lay Edmund down on the muddy floor, trying his hardest to see his brother in the dark so as not to lay him on any of his injuries.

In the end he settled with laying him on his side, resting his head in his lap.

Peter knew he couldn't of continued for any longer, his arms were shaking from having been carrying his brother for so long, and he knew he wouldn't be any help to Edmund if he collapsed from exhaustion.

What he didn't expect though, was for Edmund to wake.

The second Peter lay Edmund's head in his lap, Edmund let out a quiet whimper and his eyes began to open, causing Peter to take a deep breath and hope that his brother wouldn't panick.

Edmund blinked a little, obviously trying to see in the almost pitch black, before the pain seemed to register with him and he let out a loud cry, tears instantly making their way down his cheeks.

"Shh." Peter whispered, reaching up to run one of his still shaking hands through Edmund's damp, sweaty hair. "Everything's gonna be okay."

Edmund froze completely at the sound of his brothers voice, his eyes going slightly wider as he tilted his head upwards, looking shocked when he found himself looking at Peter.

"You're safe Edmund." Peter whispered, staring into those dark brown eyes, but that only caused his own eyes to fill with tears.

Edmund's eyes were so... lifeless. There really was no other way to put it, the fire that used to be there was gone, and they were filled with pain and sorrow and sadness, as well as fear... true fear.

"You're safe." Peter repeated, voice a lot more choked than before. "The witch is dead, you're not with her anymore, you're not in her castle, you're alright now."

Edmund blinked at him, before his mouth opened. "How - How did you know I was alive?" He whispered, voice so hoarse Peter barely understood what he'd said.

"It was Aslan." Peter murmered. "He knew the witches plan all along."

Edmund swallowed hard at the mention of the witches plan, and the tears continued rolling down his cheeks. "She - she tortured me." He choked, taking a deep breath which only caused him to wince. "She - she was gonna kill me."

"Shh Ed, shh." Peter whispered when Edmund took another deep breath. "Just breathe, calm down and breathe. You need to keep your breathing under control Ed, please."

Edmund calmed down a little and nodded his head slightly. "I know." He whispered, only now realising he could taste blood, and couldn't help but shudder.

"Ed listen." Peter said gently. "I promise you I will get you back to Cair and a healer, you're gonna be alright, I promise you Ed, you'll be just fine."


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