16: I want to keep you safe

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"What do you need me to do, your majesty?"

"Well, the Narnians and Edmund's siblings will start getting suspicious if I don't do anything, so I want you to go to Cair Paravel and attempt to kill Edmund."

"Your majesty?"

"Attempt. You're not actually going to do it. But make sure you're seen. Approach Edmund with a dagger whilst he's asleep, but make sure you get caught."


"Make sure Peter sees you and then disappear, you can do that can't you?"

"Yes your majesty."

"Good, now go, do it tonight. I cannot have Edmund's siblings getting suspicious."


"You know," Edmund said as he stepped from the bathroom that night. "I'm not going to disappear in a puff of smoke."

Peter stared at him from where he was sat on his bed, staring at the door. "Sorry." He mumbled, looking away and only looking back to his brother when Edmund sat beside him. "I'm just worried is all, she's still out there you know."

Edmund sighed and nodded. "Yeah I know." He mumbled. "Have we heard anything back from the spies?"

Peter shook his head. "No not yet." He said slowly. "I don't even think they've reached the castle yet."

Edmund sighed again and rested his head against Peter's shoulder, letting out a yawn before he could stop himself.

Peter smiled sadly. "Come on." He said gently. "You need to get some sleep, it's late."

Edmund frowned. "It's not too late." He said, even as he walked over and crawled under the covers of his own bed.

Peter followed him across the room, shaking his head a little. "It's nearly eleven o'clock Ed, it's late, and you're tired, so you should sleep."

"Alright." Edmund murmered, laying down and rolling onto his side.

"I'll join you in around an hour." Peter said. "I've just got some paperwork to go over first."

Edmund nodded slowly. "You know, you don't have to actually sleep in my bed with me." He muttered.

"I know I don't." Peter replied. "But I want to. I want to keep you safe Ed."

Edmund swallowed hard. "I know you do." He whispered, closing his eyes. "Night Pete."

"Night Edmund." Came Peter's sad reply. "I'll be right here if you need me."


"Please. Please you can't do this." Edmund choked, shaking his head and pulling against the ropes that bound him to a tree.

The witch smirked and laughed slightly. "Oh but I can." She replied. "You're the one that told them what was happening, and I warned you what would happen if you did that."

Edmund swallowed hard and pulled harder against the ropes, but no matter how hard he tried, they just wouldn't loosen. "Please don't do this!" He choked, even as the witch pointed her fully restored wand at Peter.

"This is all on you Edmund." Jadis snapped. "You told Peter what was happening just because you were in too much pain. You did so without a second thought, once again, you only thought about yourself, and now because of what you did, your siblings must die."

"No!" Edmund cried, a harsh sob escaping him. "Please don't, Peter!"

Jadis smirked and turned to face Peter, who was the only one of Edmund's siblings that she hadn't yet turned into stone. "Anything you'd like to say?" She laughed.

Peter stared at her for a second before turning to face his brother, taking a deep breath as he did.

Edmund watched him, and his heart shattered when all Peter did was shake his head and give him an almost angry/disappointed glare.

And then, he was stone.


"Peter!" The cry died on Edmund's lips as he sat bolt upright in bed, gasping for air, sweat dripping down his forehead as he gripped the blankets as hard as he could.

He was freaking out even more at the fact that it was pitch black, and that he couldn't see anything, he felt hands on his shoulders, but paid no attention to them, concentrating on instead just breathing.

His heat literally stopped beating when the face of a hag appeared at the end of the bed, and by now Edmund had gone into a full on panic attack.

He just about made out the room lighting up, before he heard a sword being drawn and saw Peter leap from the bed.

And then everything went dead silent.

Peter stood, mouth slightly open and breathing slightly heavy at the end of the bed, sword gripped tightly in his hand as he stared at where the hag had been stood only two seconds before.

But it had just disappeared.

Peter swallowed hard, his grip on his sword tightening. The hag had been holding a knife, and had been staring straight at Edmund, and Peter didn't even want to think about what would've happened if Edmund hadn't dreamt and woken both of them up.

He was suddenly snapped from his thoughts by his brother, who was sat gasping on the bed, face red with effort and eyes as wide as they could go.

Dropping his sword onto the bed, Peter jumped up and sat in front of his brother, reaching up and placing both hands on his shoulders, nothing but worry in his eyes. "Ed, Ed look at me." He said quickly, and as soon as Edmund made eye contact with him, he continued. "Listen, you need to calm down, you need to breathe. Everything's alright. It was only a dream and the hag's gone, I promise."

But Edmund just continued to gasp, tears rolling down his cheeks as he reached for Peter's hand, gripping it so tightly that Peter winced.

"Ed please calm down." Peter choked, but that obviously wasn't happening, and Peter couldn't help the sob that escaped him when Edmund's breathing stopped altogether.

Peter immediately lifted his head back and pounded hard on his back, but his heart skipped a beat when Edmund didn't start breathing again. "Breathe Ed." He choked, grabbing his brother and sitting behind him, pulling him back so Edmund's back touched his chest. "Breathe with me, I know you can do it. Come on. It was only a dream Ed. The hag is gone too, you're safe."

This carried on for almost two minutes, before Edmund's eyes rolled back and he collapsed against Peter, going completely limp as he passed out.


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