5: I've lost him

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"Did you find him?"

Peter swallowed hard and removed his cloak, shaking his head. "No." He murmered. "And I take it you didn't either?" 

Susan sighed and glanced at Lucy before turning back to face Peter. "No, we didn't find him." She practically whispered.

Peter collapsed into the nearest chair and ran a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath. "He's gone." He choked. "I've lost him... again."

"Peter no." Susan said quickly, sitting beside him and placing a hand on his shoulder. "We can't give up this easily, we'll find him, trust me we will."

Peter swallowed hard, shaking his head slowly. "I just want to know if he's safe." He whispered. 

"We do too." Lucy sighed, sitting on the other side of her older brother and resting her head against his arm. 

"Well, perhaps he's just gone for a walk or something?" Susan said slowly.

"He would've left a note Susan." Peter muttered. "No, he's probably been taken."

"Taken?" Lucy asked, sounding worried.

"Don't you think you would've woken up if someone had taken him in the middle of the night?" Susan said. "And don't you think the guards would've seen someone sneaking through the castle?"

"Well if you have any other idea on where he might be or what's happened to him, by all means speak up." Peter snapped. 

"Peter." Lucy sighed when Susan's hand dropped from his shoulder.

Peter bit his lip and sighed. "Sorry." He mumbled. "I - I'm just scared is all. I can't lose him again, he's my little brother. I promised I'd protect him, and - and ever since the poison and him - dying, I just can't get rid of the fear that something else is gonna happen to him."

"It's alright Peter." Susan mumbled. "I understand, but we will find him... don't worry."

Peter took a deep breath before nodding and then standing from the sofa. "I'm going to rest a little before dinner." He told his sisters. "And then go searching for another hour or two."

"Alright." Susan agreed. "We'll see you later."

"See you later." Peter nodded, before heading from the room.

He headed slowly up to his and his brother room, closing the door quietly behind him once inside before running a hand through his hair and heading towards his bed... only to stop dead half way there.

Pinned to the wall by a dagger above the headboard of Edmund's bed, was a piece of paper, writing covering it.

Unsure of where it had come from or why it was there, Peter walked over and removed it from the wall, glancing down at it and reading whatever it said.

By the time he had finished reading though, his eyes were wide, his heart was pounding, his breathing was heavy and his skin was as white as snow... he could not believe what he had just read.

Swallowing hard he sunk down to sit on the edge of his brother's bed, shaking his head back and forth and not even caring about the tears that were rolling down his cheeks. "Oh Ed."


Edmund groaned quietly as he finally came around, squeezing his eyes shut against the pain in his head that had apparently returned... though not half as bad as the first time.

It took him a while, but Edmund eventually realised just how cold it was, causing him to shiver and curl in on himself, rubbing a hand up and down his arm to try and keep warm.

By this point he was scared to open his eyes, scared because he had absolutely no idea where he was. He only knew that he wasn't in his bed at Cair Paravel anymore, and it wouldn't surprise him if he wasn't even at Cair at all.

Taking a deep breath, Edmund placed his hand flat against the floor, his heart stopping when it came into contact with something cold, something very, very cold. Like ice. No, it was ice.

Swallowing hard he slowly drew back his hand, before hesitantly allowing his eyes to flicker open. His vision was blurry for a little while, but it soon cleared up, leaving him staring at the ice below him... the ice that he was laying on... the ice that surrounded him.

Ignoring the dull throb from his head, Edmund slowly sat up, at once hearing the noise of chain being dragged across the ice, and with fear in his eyes he glanced down, only to see shackles around both his ankles, and if the ice hadn't given away where he was, then that certainly did.

He was in the white witches castle.

Or more specifically... her dungeons.

His heart pounding, he glanced around, proving himself right when he saw that he was sat in the exact same cell as the first time, in the exact same place too, although this time, unlike the last, he had no idea how, or why he was there.

Taking a deep breath and trying to calm his pounding heart, he tried to figure out the answer to his question, but the last thing he could remember was laying in bed at Cair and waking up with a splitting headache... everything after that he had no memory of, and this made him worry.

He probably sat there for another five minutes, before he suddenly heard a key in the lock of his cell, and he couldn't help but back away, especially when a hag walked around the corner and into the cell, smirking when she saw Edmund. "You're awake then." She said, almost laughing.

Edmund said nothing, he was too scared to even force one word passed his lips, so he remained silent, sat there staring at the hag.

Although his attention was soon drawn to the next person that entered the cell.

And now, Edmund had good reason to be more than scared.

His heart pounded so hard he thought it might explode, his eyes went so wide that they actually stung, and he found himself backing away until his back touched the icy wall behind him."No." He choked. "No."

The white witch laughed, stopping directly in front of him a placing a hand on her hip, smirking at him. "Miss me?"

Okay, don't come at me in the comments... just give the book a chance 😏😏😏😏😏😅

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