12: It's not your fault

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Edmund looked up when the door to his room burst open, and smiled widely when Lucy ran in, her eyes locking with her brothers. "Edmund!" She cried happily, rushing across the room and jumping on the bed, snuggling close to Edmund's side and wrapping an arm around his waist.

Edmund chuckled slightly and hugged her back, placing a kiss to the top of her head. "Hey Lu." He whispered.

"You're alright." Lucy breathed.

Edmund hesitated. "Yeah I'm alright." He mumbled, running a hand through his sisters hair.

He looked up when Susan sat beside them, a small smile on her face even though she was eyeing the cut on his lip, looking quite worried.

Edmund unwrapped one arm from around Lucy and reached out to grip Susan's hand. "I'm fine." He mouthed at her, a small smile on his face.

Susan laughed slightly. "I'm glad." She mouthed back, before quickly joining in the hug.

Peter smiled gently as he watched from the end of the bed, before he saw Edmund's eyes drooping, and sighed sadly. "Let's let Edmund sleep." He said suddenly, walking over and placing a hand on Lucy's shoulder.

Lucy pulled away from Edmund and looked up at Peter, slowly nodding her head as she climbed from the bed and instead sat on the edge of Peter's.

Susan pulled away too, but stayed sitting on the bed as she layed Edmund down and pulled the blankets right up to his chin. She began running a hand gently through his hair, which soon sent him to sleep, before turning to Peter.

"Is he alright?" She asked, her voice full of worry.

Peter sighed and sat down beside Lucy, staring across at Susan. "He's just tired." He mumbled, keeping his voice as quiet as he could so as not to wake his brother.

Susan frowned. "So, she didn't hurt him?" She asked hopefully.

"She hit him once but according to him that was it." Peter replied. "But she did starve him, and its obvious that he was cold... too cold, and he told me he didn't sleep. But no, she didn't really hurt him."

"That's good to hear." Susan sighed.

"But why?" Lucy asked suddenly, voicing Susan's thoughts. "I thought - well, you know."

Peter sighed and shook his head. "I have no idea why she didn't hurt him." He mumbled. "But I'm just so glad she didn't."

"As are we." Susan mumbled.

"Oh this is all my fault." Peter whispered suddenly, burying his head in his hands.

Susan frowned. "How an earth is this your fault Peter?" She asked, sounding shocked, even Lucy looked surprised.

"The witches followers used my blood to bring Jadis back to life!" Peter choked, but still keeping quiet.

Susan's heart skipped a beat. "What?" She whispered.

"Edmund said that for her to come back to life, she needed the wand, and one drop of Adam's blood." Peter explained, voice broken. "They got to the dagger before Edmund did, and they had the wand for a while before it was stolen from them. My - My blood was on that dagger, and - and they used it to bring her back."

"It's still not your fault." Susan said. "You couldn't of known."

"That's what Edmund said." Peter sighed, shaking his head slightly. "But - But they still used my blood."

"I understand how that would make you feel." Susan said slowly. "But I promise you it is not your fault that she's alive, none of us blame you."

Peter swallowed hard. "I - I cant believe she's actually alive." He mumbled.

"Neither can I." Lucy whispered, resting her head against Peter's shoulder.

"And the first thing she did was come after Edmund." Peter choked.

"Only because she needed something to trade for the wand." Susan told him. "Atleast she gave him back."

"You dont reckon she'll come after him again do you?" Lucy asked, worry in her voice.

"I've no idea." Peter sighed. "But I wouldn't be surprised."

"We won't let her Peter." Susan said quickly.

Peter shook his head. "He is not to leave the castle for anything." He said firmly. "And he is definitely not to go anywhere alone. Our door will be locked at night, and I'm sleeping in his bed from now on."

Susan sighed, but knew Peter wasn't going to change his mind about this. "Alright." She breathed. "And I'll let the guards know to be on high alert."

Peter nodded. "Thank you." He mumbled, before slowly standing from the bed.

Being as quiet as careful as he could, he walked across the room and climbed under the covers beside Edmund, pulling his brother close against his chest and wrapping his arms around his shoulders.

Edmund sighed in his sleep and buried his face against Peter's neck, his hand wrapping around his brother tunic rather tightly seeming as he was asleep.

Peter smiled slightly, before glancing up at his sisters. "Do you reckon you could sort out some dinner for when he wakes up?" He asked. "He's probably starving."

Susan nodded. "Of course we can." She smiled. "You coming Lu."

Lucy hesitated and stared at Edmund, taking a deep breath before standing and walking over to Susan.

"Ed's gonna be fine." Susan reassured her. "Peter's not going to let anything happen to him."

Peter shook his head. "She's right Lu." He said firmly. "You go and help her alright? Maybe you could make some of your cookies that Ed likes so much?"

Lucy beamed at this. "I'll do that." She said happily.

Susan chuckled before standing from the bed and taking hold of Lucy's hand. "We'll see you in a little while." She told Peter, before leading Lucy from the room.

Peter sighed once they'd gone and glanced down at his brother, who was still fast asleep, curled up in his arms. "I promise I'm not going to let anything happen to you." He whispered, placing a kiss to the top of his brothers head before leaning back against the headboard, finally feeling relaxed now that he had Edmund back and in his arms.


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