27: He's scared

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Edmund swallowed hard as he stumbled across the sand, one arm wrapped tightly around his stomach, and the other held out incase he fell over.

The pain was so bad now that he didn't even try and stall the tears that were rolling down his cheeks, but they weren't all from the pain.

He'd knocked his brother out.

His own brother.

Hit him around the head with a dagger and knocked him out.

Edmund took a deep, shaky breath. "It's better than him being dead." He choked quietly under his breath, tripping a little and groaning in pain.

But no matter how much he told himself that, he couldn't help but feel guilty... very guilty.

After a moment or two he reached one of the caves in the cliffside, and after a second or two hesitation, he entered.

After a while he started to wish he'd brought a torch with him, for the further in he went, obviously the darker it got.

He walked for what felt like forever, but was only three minutes, before he reached the end of the cave, and shivered slightly at the water dripping down and landing on his head.

Trembling now, he pressed his back to the stone wall and sunk to the floor, pulling his knees up and hugging them tightly to his chest, sobbing quietly.

This was it. Now he just had to wait.


Susan sighed a little as she headed up towards Peter and Edmund's room, wanting to see how Edmund was after being healed by Lucy.

It came as a shock to both her and her sister when Peter had started screaming for them from his room, quite literally screaming. His voice had been so full of worry that Susan panicked and nearly broke the door off its hinges when she opened it.

When she saw Edmund though, laying on the ground, unconscious with a steadily growing red patch on his shirt, she had thought for a moment that he'd been stabbed. But after, when Peter explained what had happened, she was beyond confused, not to mention worried.

Sighing a little she reached the room and quietly knocked on the door, frowning when there was no answer. "Peter?" She whispered, unsure if Edmund was still asleep. "Peter, you in there?"

When there was once again no answer, Susan reached for the handle and pushed the door open, stepping inside and quickly glancing around.

Her eyes went wide at what she saw, her heart skipping a beat. "Peter!" She cried in shock, running over and falling to her knees beside her unconscious brother. "Peter? Peter wake up, come on."

She gave him a gentle shake, trying to keep her worry under control. "Peter please." She muttered, tapping his cheek slightly. "Wake up."

A couple seconds later, Peter groaned and his eyes flickered open, frowning up at Susan. "Su?" He whispered, voice choked.

Susan breathed a sigh of relief as she slowly helped Peter sit up, leaning him against the bed and immediately checking him over for injuries. "What happened Peter?" She asked, wincing at the gash she found on his head.

"I-" Peter stopped and hissed when Susan pressed her fingers to the cut, trying to figure out how deep it was.

"Sorry." Susan sighed. "It's not deep, you'll be fine."

Peter nodded and blinked a few times, trying to bring his vision back into focus, and he eventually succeeded.

"Peter what happened?" Susan asked, kneeling down in front of him. "Who did this?"

Peter was silent, tears stinging his eyes which he refused to let fall.

"Peter?" Susan said slowly, before she suddenly noticed Edmund wasn't in his bed. "It - It wasn't the witch? She - she hasn't taken Edmund?"

Peter shook his head. "No." He mumbled. "It wasn't the witch."

"Then who was it?" Susan questioned, frowning. "Who knocked you out?"

Peter swallowed hard before taking a deep breath and glancing up at her. "Edmund." He whispered.

Susan blinked. "Edmund?" She asked, unsure if she'd heard him correctly.

"Yeah." Peter mumbled. "Edmund knocked me out."

Susan was shocked, and took no care in hiding it. "Edmund knocked you out? Your brother?" She choked. "Why?!"

"I - I don't know." Peter replied. "He - He's scared Susan. He's hiding something. When he was with the witch something happened. He's been hiding something all this time."

"Did he-"

"He hasn't told me." Peter said with a shake of his head. "I tried to get him to, but he tried to leave the room. He was in hysterics, kept on saying he couldn't tell me for my own sake."

Susan frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked.

"I have no idea." Peter sighed. "He kept telling me not to follow him when he left, grabbing his dagger and warning me that if I did he wouldn't hesitate to - to kill himself."

Susan swallowed hard.

"I managed to tackle him to the floor, but he still had the dagger." Peter whispered. "He hit me over the head with it, and that's the last thing I remember."

Susan stared at him. "Do you have any idea where he might of gone?" She asked slowly.

Peter shook his head. "Not a clue." He sighed. "The only thing I know is that he's hiding something, and we need to find him and find out what it is."

"That's probably a good idea." Susan mumbled.

Peter swallowed hard before taking a deep breath. "I want you to alert Orious and the guards." He said. "Edmund can't of gone far, the guards would've spotted him."

Susan sighed. "Peter, this is Edmund." She said. "He could slip past anyone without being seen."

Peter swallowed hard. "Yeah." He sighed. "He can. Ugh this is all my fault."

"How an earth is it your fault?!" Susan exclaimed. "He knocked you out Peter, you couldn't of done anything."

Peter sighed and buried his face in his hands, tears rolling slowly down his cheeks.

"We will find him Peter." Susan said gently, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I promise you we will."


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