39: Save my brother

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It was probably around noon the next day when Peter finally reached Cair paravel, Edmund still in his arms and either unconscious or asleep.

"We made it Ed." He murmered. "I promised we would." He glanced down at his brother, only to swallow hard at the sight of him, and he knew without being told that his fever had taken a turn for the worst, and his injuries and exhaustion definitely weren't helping. "Now we just need to get you some help." He choked, walking as quickly as he could towards the main doors.

He was greeted by Orious, who had obviously told to keep an eye out for him, because the second he spotted Peter he ran over.

"King Peter." He breathed. "Thank Aslan you're alright, and King Edmund is safe."

But Peter shook his head. "He's not safe yet." He choked. "He needs a healer... now."

"Take him up to your room." Orious said quickly. "I will fetch your sisters and a healer."

"Thank you." Peter said with a nod before the two went their separate ways, Peter trying his hardest not to drop his brother as he practically ran towards the room he shared with him.

He finally reached the doors, and without hesitation he kicked them open and walked over, laying Edmund on his bed as carefully as he could, gently removing the tunic and cloak he was wearing and laying them at the end of the bed, unable to ignore the fact that the tunic was now stained red with blood.

Taking a deep breath Peter sat on the bed beside Edmund, reaching up and pushing his soaked hair from his forehead, flinching at how high his temperature was. "Ed." He choked. "You're gonna be okay, I promise you'll be fine, just be strong. Be strong and hold on."

His head snapped up when Susan and Lucy ran into the room, closely followed by Aslan and a healer.

"Oh my-" Susan trailed off when she spotted her younger brother, her eyes wide in shock as she ran over and sat on the other side of the bed, laying her hand on Edmund's shoulder, which was extremely hard to do so without touching any of the gashes on his arms. "Oh Ed." She whispered.

"The witch did this?" Lucy murmered, kneeling on the end of the bed, tears in her eyes.

Peter nodded slowly. "But she paid for it." He said after a moment.

"What happened to the witch Peter?" Aslan asked gently.

"She's dead." Peter said firmly. "By my sword."

Susan swallowed hard before glancing up at the healer. "Please tell us you can help him." She choked, eyes full of hope.

The healer, a faun hesitantly nodded his head. "I will certainly try." He said.

Peter's eyes were full of worry. Try? No, Edmund had to get better, he had to be healed.

"I'm gonna need so water and a cloth." The faun said even as he reached into a bag he was carrying, for some kind of medicine no doubt. "How long has he been unconscious?"

Peter took a deep breath. "Couple hours." He whispered, voice choked.

"Has he shown any signs of even coming close to waking in that time?"

Peter swallowed hard and shook his head. "He hasn't moved a muscle." He choked, tears stinging his cheeks.

The faun sighed. "I need to clean his wounds before I do anything else." He announced. "They're nasty and if they're not treated soon, then there's a risk of infection."

Peter nodded. "Do whatever you have to." He whispered. "Just save my brother."


Almost an hour later and Edmund's wounds had finally been treated, although he was still unconscious and his fever definitely wasn't getting any better.

"You'll need to still keep an eye on the wounds." The healer told the three children. "They are going to take a long while to heal I'm afraid."

"I - I wish I could just use my cordial." Lucy whispered from where she was still sat at the end of Edmund's bed, tears rolling down her cheeks as she stared at her older brother.

"We all do Lu." Susan whispered. "But I expected nothing less from Jadis' magic."

Peter swallowed hard and gripped Edmund's hand even tighter in his own. He'd been holding it since the healed had started to tend to his brothers wounds, and refused to let go. He sat there, tears rolling down his cheeks and heart pounding. "What about his fever?" He whispered, voice barely heard by anyone.

"All I can suggest is waiting for it to break." The healer sighed. "Keep a cold flannel on his forehead and make sure whe he wakes he drinks plenty of water."

"When will he wake?" Peter asked hesitantly.

But the healer only shook his head. "It's hard to say." He murmered. "It could be hours, or it could be days."

Peter took a deep breath. "Thank you." He whispered. "For your help."

"Of course, your majesty." The faun said, bowing his head before leaving the room, leaving just the four children and Aslan.

"Days?" Peter choked, disbelief in his voice.

"I'm sure it wont be that long Peter." Susa reassured him, her ow voice nothing more than a whisper as she wet a flannel and pressed it to Edmund's forehead.

"I really hope not." Peter choked, bringing Edmund's hand up to his lips and taking a deep, shaky breath. "Come on Eddy." He whispered. "Wake up."

"I will give you all some time alone." Aslan said softly. "Come and get me if you need anything."

"We will." Susan mumbled. "Thank you."

Peter didn't even register Aslan leaving the room, he just stared at his brother for the next half an hour, before he let out a quiet whimper.

"Ed?" He choked in surprise, sitting up straight, his eyes widening.

Edmund didn't move after that, and Peter was about to give up hope, until Edmund squeezed his hand and began to open his eyes.

"He's waking up."


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