Chapter 1: Daphany

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"No mother, I have a case this evening that I'm sitting on with Mr. Edwards. Yes, I remember dinner tonight. I will be there - I promise." I unbuckle my seatbelt. "Ok, love you too." Hanging up my phone, I get out of my car and head into the law firm I work for.

"Why did I answer the phone?" I mumble.

Sometimes talking to my parents can take a lot out of me. I'm an only child and they are very controlling when it comes to my life. You would think me being a grown-ass woman they would let me decide things for myself...but they don't. Every decision that is made about me, they are involved. I was always taught to; Honour thy mother and father, so I never give them much of a fight.

I come from a long line of very successful lawyers & judges. My mom is a lawyer and my father is a judge so of course, I was made to follow in my parent's footsteps. My mother and father were never able to have more children after my birth due to my mother having an emergency hysterectomy from hemorrhaging the doctors could not stop.

They have it all planned out and from the very beginning, I have been following the plan. I will be a lawyer before becoming a judge. I will also marry a successful black man that they approve of and have at least two children. I sometimes just want to say no - hell no, but what kind of daughter would I be.

"Good morning Kristy," I say walking in the door of the Edwards and Edwards Law Office I work at.

This is the only thing that I was able to protest and make a decision on but eventually, I'm sure I will be made to quit. My mother is a partner at Fisher and Moore Law office. An all-black law firm that was founded by my grandfather and his best friend Robert Fischer. That is where I should be working, but I convinced my parents to let me start somewhere else so I can prove to others that I'm successful without the influence of my parents or family. They reluctantly agreed but were very disappointed when I was hired by one of my classmates' father Donald Edwards, a white Italian.

"Good morning Ms. Moore," Kristy says smiling as always.

"I've told you about that Ms. Moore stuff...Daphany is ok. We are the same age."

"I know but I try to keep it professional in the office," she says with a low laugh.

I walk to the elevator and ride up to the second floor. I stop by my secretary's desk before walking into my office. It's a small office not as big as the one waiting for me at my family's building, but I like it. It has floor to ceiling windows, it's own bathroom, and a small but nice sitting area.

Opening up my computer I check my calendar for today and see I have a meeting with Isaiah Stephens. Reading over my notes I see he's coming in to make changes to his Will. I send a quick message to my secretary to pull the necessary file. I will need to read over his Will and make notes before he makes it here today.

Knock knock

"Come in," I say not looking up from my computer.

"Good morning," Brad says, walking in and sitting in one of the chairs in front of me.


Bradford Edwards, my closest friend since college...or should I say, my only friend. He is like the brother I never had: so sweet, caring, and can sometimes make me want to choke him. I don't know a person that does not love Brad. He has a killer smile, and if I had to admit, but I won't, he's not too bad to look at.

"What are you doing?"

"Checking emails. I just walked in not even five minutes ago."

"Why so late?"

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