Epilogue: Daphany

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Three Months Later

The constant banging in the background has become my music. The conversations are the words of the offbeat melody. And I sit in the middle of the orchestra - scrolling for a direct number to a delivery service. I'm in the same room I hid in on my wedding day. That day is now a distant memory - that's only remembered with thoughts of -.

Focus. Find the doors. Do not think about them - not today.

New drywall now hangs in the room. The warm marshmallow paint that will one day decorate the walls  -  serves as a makeshift seat. Two more buckets of the same color hold up a piece of plywood I'm using for the desk holding up my laptop.

So much has changed in the last few months. But at the same time, nothing has changed at all. I put my notice in at Edwards and Edwards Law Office three months ago. The decision to walk away from my job was difficult. Even though I did not choose to be a lawyer myself, it still brought me so much joy. But I felt it was something I needed to do to be a better me and not who others thought I should be.

It was a no-brainer - remodeling old homes. Working on homes is my passion, and I love watching something old become beautiful. Now, I still practice law. It would be a lie if I said it was on a smaller scale, but working for Kori's company is no small job. The team I have makes my job easier. I don't always have to be in the office because they're great at what they do. And that gives me more time to do what I love and do something I enjoy.

"So, what time are you leaving tonight, Ms. Moore?" Pressing my lips together, I fight the smile playing at the corners of my mouth. No matter how much I try, my whole body warms up twenty degrees every time this man is around.

Cole stands behind me with his hair in a top bun. His scent wraps around me, giving the smile I had been fighting with the winning blow. My mind goes to all the naughty things I will let him do to me tonight.

Cole's chuckle brings me out of the naughty daydream that took over my thoughts. "Umm. My doors are not here. I tracked them earlier, and they were en route with the expected delivery time of three. But as you can see, there are no doors. I found a number, and I've been on hold for forty-five minutes, so now I'm looking for a direct number."

"Well, it seems you will be here for a while. I can grab us some dinner and come back here to wait for the doors."

"No, no. What time is it?" I pull the warm phone from my ear and tap the screen, but nothing happens. I tap the screen again, and the black screen only stares back at me. "It's dead! I've been holding for forty-five minutes. At least I thought I was holding for forty-five minutes."

Cole tries his best to hold back the laughter, but his laughter spills out of his mouth. I should be mad at him for laughing at me, but his laugh only makes me laugh.

I stick up my middle finger, and he only laughs harder. "I'm done. Are you ready to go?" I've been sitting in the same spot for over thirty minutes, so I have to roll to get off the bucket and not knock over my desk. The laughter from Cole now has the remaining guys peeking into the room. I ignore him and place my hand on the floor to push myself off the floor. I shake my head and think of the first day I met Cole.

"I'm upset that there's no holes back there," I peek over my shoulder and see Cole staring at my butt.

"I was just thinking of that. How did you know?"

"I didn't know. Your ass being in the air brought back the memory. Maybe when we get home, you can pretend to fall over, and I can help you up while naked."

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