Chapter 18: Stone

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"Got her ass, Boss," Jett says walking over to my desk, waving a blue folder in his hand. "The bitch been staying right here under our fucking noses this whole time."

"Who?" I ask, furrowing my brows; putting down my phone. I was in the middle of playing Ever Merge on my phone, with my feet kicked up on the desk. The got damn game has had my full attention for the past hour and a half. The first thing to hold my full attention longer than two minutes. This past week I have had a hard time concentrating on anything other than the last conversation I had with Miss Moore.

Every time my mind drifts to her I ask myself why can't I get past our last conversation. Never has a woman ever had me so tied up in knots. Was it selfish of me to want her to choose me? I mean I know it's her family, but got dammit they make her miserable. They make her hide her smile beneath the mountain of bullshit they spout out of their ignorant mouths.

The Douch doesn't make her smile, he doesn't know how to pull every desire and every smile from her. He doesn't know how to make her lose her every inhibition.

"Savannah Stephens that's who. She has been staying two blocks away from Gabe this whole fucking time with an elderly woman named Catherine Niemeyer. She got a job as her caretaker about seven months ago."

"How did you find her?" I ask, sitting up and snatching the folder out of his hand.

The first page is a picture of a thin woman sitting on a bench sitting directly behind an elderly woman in a wheelchair. Her hair is styled in a brown bob, not Savannah's normal long blond tresses. This woman is wearing large-framed glasses that seem too big for her small face. The next piece of paper is a W-4 form for Marion Dreyer.

"Where was this picture taken?" I ask, going back to the picture, studying the woman again - who is in fact, Savannah Stephens. "And who is Marion Dreyer?"

"That's the park down the street from Gabe's house. I've been sending Nick out every day to take pictures whenever the nanny takes the kids. I was scanning through all the pictures and ran across this one." He's nodding with a shit-eating grin on his face. "And Marion Dreyer is her got damn mother's middle name and maiden name."

"Fuck me," I say hitting the desk with my hand and smiling from ear to ear. "She's been right here all this got damn time." I stare at the picture of her smiling, looking at something in the distance. If I had to guess I'm sure it's the baby. The nanny takes him on a walk every day. "When was this picture taken?" I continue staring at the picture grinning because we finally got her ass.

"Two weeks ago," he responds, plopping down in the chair in front of my desk. "So what do we do next? Do we send Remy to get her?"

"Not yet. We are not going to go get her, we're going to let her come to us." I smile even wider at the picture, glad we finally got some good news to share. "I should call Gabe, he will be relieved to know we have found her," I say, pulling up Gabe's contact information.

Before I can hit his number to connect the call, an incoming call comes through from Misty, Hammer's wife. A feeling of dread comes over me. This is not going to be a good call. Misty never calls me. My number is only stored in her phone as a call if you're dying type number.

"What's wrong," I ask, getting straight to the point.

"He's in the hospital. They just took him to surgery but it's not looking good."

"What tha fuck happened," I ask standing up and grabbing my jacket. Jett is now on his feet waiting for me to give him instructions or at least tell him what is going on. His eyes move across my face searching for some kind of clue.

"They shot him." She yells out through a loud sob. I can almost hear her soul die a little in the way she gasps for air.

"Shit," I growl out already knowing who the "they" is. That stupid mutha fucker. Why the fuck did he drag Hammer into this shit. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I mentally yell as the feeling of guilt consumes me.

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