Chapter 19: Stone

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I'm so fucking distracted that I didn't realize I missed my exit on I-30 that would have taken me to the warehouse district downtown. I've been in my head I know for more than thirty minutes because I'm ten minutes out from Lake DeGray. I'm lucky that I didn't get into a wreck because I don't remember the drive here.

"Shit," I mumble, hitting the steering wheel with my palm. "This is not my fucking night."

I pull my phone from my pocket and see I have six missed calls from Jett. I must have put my phone on Do Not Disturb before going into the hospital. I hit his number and the sound of the phone ringing fills the empty quiet space of my truck.

"Bossman, what's your ETA?" Jett asks instead of the standard greeting.

"I'm ten minutes away from my property on the lake which is fifteen minutes from the old firehouse the MC is using for a new clubhouse. You all grab everything and meet me at my old spot. I need to grab something out of the shed.

"Got it, boss. Do you have a plan? I mean one where we don't all end up behind bars, because these fuckers want to go in like some mission on Call of Duty?"

I rub my hand down my face and shake my head. "No. I just want Ryker." This shit is fucking personnel. He killed one of my best friends because he wanted me. Well, he got me and one of us going into a body bag tonight. "I just need everyone to go in and subdue the other members, so I can get in and find Ryker."

"Got it, Boss. We will meet you there so we can go over the final plan. See you in an hour."

I nod knowing he can't see me and disconnect the call.


When I pull up to the dark space where my trailer used to be, I'm even more confused and I don't understand my feelings. I'm sad one moment and angry the next. Whenever I think about Hammer I get so mad all I can do is think of murdering Ryker, but my mind drifts to Daphany. "Ugh." This deep pain for a woman I barely know. What are these feelings? Right now I should be running into the new clubhouse - guns blazing looking for that coward Ryker at this very moment. Not sitting in my truck sulking like some chump.

"What is wrong with you? Get it together. She told you from the beginning that it would never be - so stop sulking like some bitch," I mentally chide myself. I think back to every moment and wonder if there was anything that I could have read wrong.

"No, everything I felt was real," I whisper to myself while rubbing my hand down my fast. This ache inside of me is real, and I know she feels it too. She likes me. No matter her selling her soul to that devil. He will never feel what I feel when she looks at me. No, she wants me - I know she does, but this hold her parents have over her-.

"Shit, Shit!" I whisper in the confines of my truck. "Get it together, your friend died today." I open the door to the truck and jump out. "Fuck her!" I yell while slamming the door so hard I'm surprised the window doesn't break.

I look around the dark wooded area. It's quiet, hot, muggy, and very still. The type of stillness that makes the hairs on your neck stand at attention. Slowly turning in a circle, I search the wooded area around me. "It's nothing out here," I think as I start walking toward the trees to my shed.

The shed is not an actual shed that you would buy at your neighborhood Lowe's or Home Depot. No this is a customized bomb shelter, with bulletproof walls, and a bunker under the trap door of the floor. I have enough food and supplies downstairs to live comfortably for a year. The downstairs bunker is more like a mini apartment with a queen bed, a full-size bathroom and kitchen, and electricity and water.

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